Save Amazon Lily!

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You and Yang were sparring together for a while, however, the DS began to react like crazy. 

(Y/N): What the?! What's going on here?! 

It then began to give an alert to a place in the World of Pirates! 

Yang: Wait, what's it saying? 

(Y/N): It says, Amazon Lily in Danger. Must stop the attack! 

Yang: Ha! Well, it's hero time! 

You guys soon teleport to- 

Amazon Lily (Home of the Kuja Tribe!) 

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Amazon Lily (Home of the Kuja Tribe!) 

(Y/N): This must be the place 

Yang: So, this looks ... interesting. 

(Y/N): Let's see what we- OH GEEZ! 

There were several women around the area, who were trying to fight as hard as they could against several Marines. 

(Y/N): Guess we're going in! 

Yang: HELL YEAH! But first- 

She kissed you on the lips. 

(Y/N): Luck kiss? 

Yang: Duh! OUT WITH A YANG! 

Yang used her gauntlets to propel herself in. 

Down there... 

Yang ran into not just the Marines but also some more pirates. Including- 

???: Well well, guess we have an uninvited guest. 

Tyrian appeared. 

Yang: Dude, who are you? 

Tyrian: Tyrian Callows is my name. And well, my cohorts here are the Blackbeard Pirates. Perhaps you've heard of them. 

???: WEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Who's this little squirt?! 

Jesus Burgess (One of the Ten Titanic Captains of the Blackbeard Pirates! He ate the Strength Strength Fruit!)

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Jesus Burgess (One of the Ten Titanic Captains of the Blackbeard Pirates! He ate the Strength Strength Fruit!)

Tyrian: Looks like she's in league with that boy. 

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