Black Eagle Training!

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The Black Eagle House continued their training, and sparring with you and Byleth, and during that course of time, well, they improved their skills even more than before! 

Hell, they were getting pretty well known around Beacon. 

Ferdinand: HA HA! Once again, I have succeeded in another lesson. Tell me, Edelgard, how far are you? 

Edelgard: Hmph. You still got a ways to go, Ferdinand. 

(Y/N): Both of you, you need to calm down. Why don't you be more like- 

You look at Lindhart who is taking a nap. 


Lindhart: HUH?! What? Did I fall asleep again? 

(Y/N): YES! Be more like ... Caspar! 

Caspar: Yeah! Come on (Y/N), when's the next sparring going to take place!? 

(Y/N): Pretty soon, you up for more practice? 

Caspar: HELL YEAH! 

Petra: Uh ... Professor. 

Byleth: What is it Petra? 

Petra: Bernadetta is a little bit anxious in her writing. 

Bernadetta: AGH! N-No ... I'm not. I just- You know ... 

You looked at her notes, and then just pat her on the head. 

(Y/N): There there, Bernie. It's alright. 

Hubert: Bernadetta has been more anxious than usual since we came to this academy. But, that's like her to be nervous all the time. 

Edelgard: Now Hubert, let's not be too rash on her. Her skills with her bow and arrow are better than ever. 

(Y/N): Agreed. Also, Dorothea, you'll remember to continue with the magic lessons with the others? 

Edelgard: That's right. That's important to never miss. 

Dorothea: Don't worry, I won't forget that. 

(Y/N): Oh, and Edelgard, Petra, and Bernie, you three will get a big date with me! Once you do super well on the test! 

They soon got the urge to do well on the test! 

(Y/N): Ah, I love being a professor as well as a student. 

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