Worlds Collide!

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In Megaman's World ... 

Dr. Wily was seen desperately trying to get his new base up in running. 

Dr. Wily: NO! NO! That doesn't go there! You need to move it over there! 

He was barking orders to his robot minions like crazy. 

Then one minion brings him what appears to be a sapphire! 

Dr. Wily: Hmm ... what's this? I wonder- 

He begins to put it into a computer nearby. 

Meanwhile... on Remnant... Dr. Eggman's Base... 

Eggman: Alright, everything is ready! 

Starline: Time to send out a message to all of our forces throughout the Empire. 

Orbot and Cubot: We're on it! 

The robots began to get a message up on screen, and- 

Eggman: What in the hell is this? 

Starline: I see ... an old man. 

Eggman: Who are you? How dare you pirate my signal! I'm the only one who gets to do that! 

Dr. Wily: Who am I? I'm Dr. Albert Wily, the greatest robotic genius on earth! 

Eggman: ARGH! I'm the greatest robotic genius ever! Wait ... what year is it there? 

Wily: 20XX why? 

Eggman: I see ... excuse my outburst from earlier. I am Dr. Eggman, and I'm the greatest robotics genius on my world. 

Wily: Your World huh? You don't look like an alien. 

Eggman: No, this is your first time dealing with alternate realities, isn't it? Allow me to explain. You see there are infinite variations of various worlds out there. Some are similar, while others are vastly different. 

Wily: Yes, yes. I had an encounter before with some pests like that. I don't suppose you know anything about bringing order and a better way of thinking to the world with your machines, Doctor? 

Eggman: Oh, I do! And I don't suppose you have some young upstart who gets in your way and ruins everything, do you? 

Wily: Oh you wouldn't believe. 


Starline hooked the Warp Topaz up, and- 

Starline: Ready to go! This should do it! 

Starline gets his device working and opens a portal for Eggman. 

Eggman: Keep the base working while I'm gone. Okay? 

Starline: You can count on me. 

Eggman then goes off to meet up with Eggman. 

Though where they met was like a pocket dimension. 

Eggman: Dr. Wily, I presume? 

Wily: A pleasure, Dr. Eggman! Your theories were brilliant! Imagine crafting an entire dimension through the use of that chaos energy! You called it a zone, right? 

Eggman: Yes, and you manipulated the Chaos Emerald expertly! Are you sure you haven't done this before? 

Wily: Oh stop! You flatter me! It's thrilling to set foot here in this new Skull Secret Zone. 

Eggman: Indeed, except it's the Egg Pocket Zone. 

Wily: No. It's clearly the Skull Secret Zone. 

Eggman: No, it's the Egg Pocket Zone. 

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