The Truth about Vearn!

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Back with you, Dai, and Leona- 

Vearn emerged critically injured. 

Leona: Vearn?! Is he- 

(Y/N): No, he's alive. Well, Vearn? How does it feel to be on the ground where you belong? Beaten by the lower life forms you looked down on? 

Vearn: Don't be confident. I still have my st- 

But his staff shattered. 

Vearn: AH! 

Dai: Just give it up, Vearn! 

Vearn: Hmph. You may have destroyed my staff, but I still have one more trick up my sleeve!

Back with Avan's Group... 

Avan: I know you're secret too as Grand Master does. The secret spell of frozen time cannot be cast upon oneself. What's more, the spell requires the highest level of magic to be completed. I lacked the necessary power, and I was caught up in the spell myself, Hadlar was released from those effects after one year. 

Hym: But what does that have to do with him? 

Yang: Yeah, Hym's right, I don't get it. 

Avan: It's quite simple, Yang. The only person who could have properly cast the Secret Spell of Frozen Time on this man's body is the Dark King himself. 

Weiss: But then that means ... Mystvearn never existed at all! 

Avan: That's right Weiss. Vearn must have found a monster in the Underworld that was capable of taking over and controlling other bodies. He allowed said monster to fuse with his own body, entrusting it to the monster for safe-keeping. 

Ruby: And that's how Mystvearn was born! He's not a demon or a human at all! The body that was seen here, it's just some dummy body! 

Pyrrha: But if that's true, then who is- 



Popp: Yeah, his voice changed! 

Hyunckel: This must be the real Myst. 

Myst: You're all correct. The body I inhabit is the original body of King Vearn! He ordered me to hide and protect his body. And to use its full power in rough times. With King Vearn's permission of course. I AM MYST, THE BLACK MYST THAT CONCEALS KING VEARN'S TRUE FORM! 

???: Myst. 

Crocodine: AGH! Did you hear that? 

Blake: That sounds like Vearn! 

Larhart: Now what's going on? 

Myst: Ah, King Vearn, I request your permission. Kill has died and in order for me to protect your body, I must- 

Vearn: Yes. I was nearly killed by (Y/N) and Dai. It looks like the time has come for you to return that which was entrusted to you so many years ago. 

Myst: Yes Sire! 

And then he disappeared! 

Back with your group... 

Vearn's real body appeared. 

Vearn: Now know this. In order to get as close as possible to obtaining eternal life, I split my body into two separate parts! This body served as a base with which I could build up my intelligence and magic while aging at a normal rate. Conversely, my youth and strength was preserved into a separate body! And every time there was a solar eclipse, I used the Secret Spell of Frozen Time to seal my body as it was in my prime! But now- 

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