Papyrus' First Friend!

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You continued on to find Papyrus and Sans by a bunch of mechanical tiles. 

(Y/N): Hi Papyrus! 

Papyrus: Ah! You've arrived, Human! You're going to love this puzzle! It was made by the Royal Scientist, Dr. Alphys! You see those tiles? 

(Y/N): Yes. 

Papyrus: Once I throw this switch here, they will begin to change color. Each color has a different function! Red tiles are impassible, you cannot walk on them. Yellow tiles are electric, they will electrocute you. Green tiles are alarm tiles, once you step on them, you'll have to fight a monster. Orange tiles are orange-scented. They will make you smell delicious! Blue tiles are water tiles, you can swim through them if ou like, but if you smell like oranges, the piranhas will bite you. Also, if a blue tile is next to a yellow tile, the water will also zap you! Purple tiles are slippery, meaning that if you touch it, you will slide to the next tile. However, the slippery soap smells like lemons! Which piranhas do not like! Finally, the pink tiles do nothing. Step on them all you like! Got it? 

(Y/N): Yeah. 

Papyrus: Great! One more thing, this puzzle is entirely random! When I pull this switch, it will make a puzzle that has never been seen before! Not even I know the solution! Nyeh heh heh! Get ready! 

Papyrus activated the puzzle as all the tiles began to go nuts! 

But then a straight line is formed from light red tiles, and Papyrus got dizzy once he saw the whole thing that he spun away. 

(Y/N): Wel ... that was something. 

Up ahead ... 

You wandered into a quaint little town called Snowdin. 

(Y/N): Hey, this place looks really nice! 

The townsfolk were all very friendly, and you even got to see a monster kid who seemed to like you. 

Monster Kid: Hey Dude, are you new around here? 

(Y/N): Yeah, what's up? 

Monster Kid: Well, I'm just waiting for the day that she comes! 

(Y/N): Who? 

Monster Kid: Undyne! She's the Captain of King Asgore's Royal Guard! She's so badass! 

(Y/N): That's cute kid. 

You pat him on the head and then stop at a pub called Grillby's. 

There you saw a bunch of monsters just chilling. 

You took your seat as a guy on fire appeared. 

Grillby: Welcome to Grillby's. May I take your order? 

(Y/N): What do you got? 

Grillby: Might I recommend the Monster Burger? It's basically a quadruple patty burger with extra onions, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, bacon, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and with a side of fries. 

(Y/N): Sure. Here. 

You offered him money. 

Grillby: Alright. I'll be right back. 

After that... 

You came out satisfied. 

(Y/N): Well, that was good. Okay, let's see what's beyond here. 

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