Just Me and Crazy Nora!

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You were out on a date with one of your craziest girlfriends, Nora!

(Y/N): Okay Nora, if you really want to go to the arcade again, then you can't use your hammer to strike the moles!

Nora: But it's more effective!

(Y/N): Geez. Okay, let's calm down, and just have some fun.

Nora: OKAY!

You both left to the arcade, and the whole time, Nora was tempted to use her hammer to whack the moles, but you held her back from it!

(Y/N): Don't you even think about it!


(Y/N): NO NORA!!! Sheesh I feel bad for Rin. She probably had to deal with this ever since you two were-

Nora: She never lets me do anything fun.

(Y/N): No offense, but your fun ends in chaos. Why do you think we lock the coffee away from you?

Nora: Just one sip?

(Y/N): Tell you what. If you behave, I'll make you this s'mores pancakes that you love so much.

Nora: DEAL!!

And the whole time ... Nora kept calm by thinking about those pancakes she loved so much...

(Y/N): Okay Nora! Here you go!

(Y/N): Okay Nora! Here you go!

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Nora: HELL YES!!

She began taking big bites and kissing you after each one!

Nora: I love you so much!!!

(Y/N): I love you too Nora. You're one of my favorite crazy girls.

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