Professors at an Academy?!/Team (Y/N) joins the Church of Seiros!

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(Y/N): Girls! We got another location! 

Blake: What do we have this time? 

(Y/N): It's called Fodlan apparently. 

Ruby: Oh boy! After the last adventure, I can't wait! 

Yang: You bet! Dragons, big monsters, it doesn't matter! With my new magic, I'll smash them up! 

Weiss: Oh, (Y/N), you should know something. 

(Y/N): What's that? 

Weiss: I kind of told Team JNPR about Fairy Tail, and I asked Lilith to bring them over there. 

(Y/N): Fair enough. I guess they want to learn magic. 

Yang: We can't be the only badasses around here you know. 

(Y/N): Good point. Let's get going then! Hopefully, they'll show up later! 

And with that, it was off on another adventure! 


Near the remains of a village, a man is seen waking up a girl. 

Jeralt (A famous mercenary who is known as the Blade Breaker! He is considered to be the strongest in history, and is also a former soldier of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus! He was hired to scored Rhea, the leader of the Church of Seiros and took a...

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Jeralt (A famous mercenary who is known as the Blade Breaker! He is considered to be the strongest in history, and is also a former soldier of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus! He was hired to scored Rhea, the leader of the Church of Seiros and took a blow intended for her! He nearly died, but Rhea gave him some of her blood, giving him the Crest of Seiros! He then joined the Knights of Seirs, and started a family with a woman named Sitri! She passed away after giving birth to his daughter, Byleth! These events caused him to distrust Rhea and the church as he noticed Byleth did not laugh or cry as a newborn. Not only that, but a doctor said that she seemed healthy and had a pulse, there was no heartbeat at all! Now he runs his own mercenary company with his daughter by his side!) 

Jeralt: Hey, it's time to go. 

???: Is that so, Father? 

Byleth (Jeralt's daughter! Due to her circumstances at birth, she is known to be a very stoic individual, and has never laughed or cried as a baby! She has no knowledge of her actual birth! Jeralt claimed that she was born years after the fire to ...

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Byleth (Jeralt's daughter! Due to her circumstances at birth, she is known to be a very stoic individual, and has never laughed or cried as a baby! She has no knowledge of her actual birth! Jeralt claimed that she was born years after the fire to a woman who supposedly died of illness. She was trained by her father in combat and joined his mercenary group! She is known as the Ashen Demon due to her unflinching courage in battle!) 

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