Frostbite Island!

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You guys arrived on the last island, which was an island covered by frost and snow! 

Weiss: Cold temperatures again. Sheesh. 

Ruby: BRRRR! Weiss, how are you not cold? 

Weiss: Ugh, you dolt. I come from Atlas, remember? The kingdom in the north? Not to mention my training with Gray has made me more susceptible to cold temperatures. 

(Y/N): True. Got to hand it to that moron, he knows how to handle the cold. 

Shantae: So, the last Den of Evil is here?

Risky: It should be. 

(Y/N): Let's find it quickly then! 

You, Team RWBY, and Shantae rush off to find it, but find Ammo Baron talking to someone. 

Ruby: It's that jerk again! 

Ammo Baron: You sure that you have it ready, Techno Baron? 

Techno Baron (One of the Barons of Sequin Land! He is a reptilian mad genius who specializes in technology!) 

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Techno Baron (One of the Barons of Sequin Land! He is a reptilian mad genius who specializes in technology!) 

Techno Baron: No need to worry, Ammo Baron. Once that targeting module is all set, then you will be able to fire upon Sequin Land Palace, and make everything yours! 

Ammo Baron: HAHAHAHAHAHA! About time I finally start to get some damn recognition! And those pesky brats won't be getting in my way anytime soon! The time of Ammo Baron is here! 


Ammo Baron and Techno Baron: Huh? 

Ruby: QUACK! 

Ammo Baron: Oh, it's just a duck. 

(Y/N): Whew, nice save there Ruby. 

Ruby: Anytime. 

With that... 

All of you head forward to Techno Baron's place and find- 

Everyone: BOLO?! 

Bolo: Oh hey you guys. 

(Y/N): What the hell are you doing here? 

Bolo: Well, I found these glasses, and I thought wearing them would make me smarter! 

Weiss facepalmed herself. 

Weiss: Dunce. 

Blake: Bolo, are you working for- 

Bolo: Yep! Techno Baron took me on as his assistant! He said that he could use more smart people on his team. 

Shantae: We don't need to worry about that. 

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