Spiderweb Island!

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You guys returned to Risky.

(Y/N): Risky! We have the map to the next island!

Risky: Great, that's one Den of Evil down. Now, let's move on to the next island.

Shantae: Oh, and we found this!

She showed the pistol.

Shantae: Ah, the pistol. That originally belonged to the Pirate Master you know.

Ruby: You seem to know a lot about him. Why?

Risky: He was my mentor.

Weiss: WHAT?!

Blake: You served under him of all people?!

Risky: I didn't have a say in most of what he asked of me. I eventually turned on him and took his weapons and crew as my own.

Yang: Atta girl!

(Y/N): Anyway, do you think-

Risky: Sure, you can have the pistol for now. You'll need it.

Everyone: Thanks Risky.


You guys arrive at the next island, Spiderweb Island!

(Y/N): Oh great, a zombie island!

Ruby: Here they come!

A bunch of zombies come by!

Weiss: Here we go the!

Shantae: A shot to the head is the best way to kill them?

Blake: That's right.

(Y/N): Let's hurry!

You all rush through the island, only to find-

???: HELP!!!

Weiss: Wait ... I know that voice from anywhere!

Ruby: Me too!!

(Y/N): Rottytops?!

Rotty was being attacked by a giant spider!


You all attacked the spider over and over, causing it to cry in pain and scurry off!

Rottytops: YOU GUYS!! MY HEROES!!

(Y/N): Rotty, what are you doing here?

Rottytops: My brothers and I are crashing here! And I was going out for a walk, and then that creepy crawly spider appeared!

Shantae: Agh! Your leg!

Rottytops: I know! Do you think you can lend a hand and carry me home?

(Y/N): Sure! Hey girls, do you think you can-

Girls: Yes!

They were backing you up as you carried Rotty through the forest!

(Y/N): Hang on tightly Rotty!!

Rottytops: Marry me!

(Y/N): Huh?

Rottytops: Sorry; force of habit.


You guys got Rotty back home; and her brothers, Poe and Abner were there!

Poe: Hey, it's the coffee guys.

Ruby: Hey guys!

(Y/N): Hmph. So, it's been a while, fellas.

Abner: Hey, listen up you.

(Y/N): What?

Abner: I just wanted to say that trusting that Risky Boots was the worst decision I ever made in my life.

Weiss: Well ... uh ... that's great then.

(Y/N): Say, you guys wouldn't happen to have seen a freaky place on this island have you?

Rottytops: Well ... there's Cackle Tower nearby if you want to go. But I'm not going out there if that spider's still around.

Shantae: Thanks for that Rotty!

Rottytops: Be careful out there! Don't want you guys getting brain damage!

Everyone: ROTTY!

Rottytops: Calm down, just some zombie humor!

With that...

You all arrive at what seemed to be a big tower!

(Y/N): Hey! This must be the place!

You guys started to climb up the tower, and Shantae also managed to get a Pirate Hat!

(Y/N): Neat hat!

Shantae: Thanks!

She used it to go up rough drafts, and activate switches to power up doors and stuff!

(Y/N): Okay! Who's next- YOU!!

It was the spider that attacked Rotty, and you activated your protective boyfriend phase and just tore into it!

(Y/N): FUCK YOU!!'

The girls were shocked as you brutalized it to the point that only the eyes and legs were left.

And there after destroying the monster, you found a map to the next island!

(Y/N): Whew! Okay! Let's get going!

The girls just smiled.

Girls: That's our (Y/N)!

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