Papyrus and Sans!

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You exited the ruins and begin to head out. 

(Y/N): Well, already off to a great start. Honestly, what is- 

Then you heard a loud noise from behind you, then you turn around. But nothing was there. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... 

You begin walking again, only to hear footsteps. 

(Y/N): HEY! 

Once again, nothing was there when you turned around. 

(Y/N): What's going on here?! 

You keep walking, only to hear a voice. 

???: Hey human. Shake my hand. 

(Y/N): Huh? 

You turn around and extend your hand only to hear a farting noise when it gets shook! 

(Y/N): THE HELL?! 

???: Heheheh. The old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny. 

Sans (Do I need to explain who he is? Of course not! He's Sans!) 

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Sans (Do I need to explain who he is? Of course not! He's Sans!) 

Sans: So, you're a human right? 

(Y/N): Yeah, of course I am. 

Sans: I'm Sans the skeleton. I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now. 

(Y/N): WHAT?! 

Sans: Oh calm down, I'm not going to capture you. 

(Y/N): Really? Why not? 

Sans: It's not really my thing. But, my brother, Papyrus, he's a human-hunting fanatic! 

(Y/N): Oh crap. 

Sans: Actually, I think he's coming this way. Quick! Hide behind that human-looking conveniently-shaped lamp. 

You noticed said lamp nearby. 

(Y/N): Well, this should be interesting. 

You hid behind it, and then another skeleton came by! 

Papyrus (Sans' Brother! He's a massive loveable dork! Voiced by Jacksepticeye!) 

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Papyrus (Sans' Brother! He's a massive loveable dork! Voiced by Jacksepticeye!) 

Sans: Sup, Bro? 

Papyrus: You know what "sup," Brother! It's been eight days and you still haven't recalibrated your puzzles! You just hang around outside your station! What are you even doing?! 

Sans: Staring at this lamp. It's really cool. Do you wanna look? 

Papyrus: NO! I don't have time for that! What if a human comes through here? I want to be ready! I will be the one! I must be the one! I will capture a human! Then I, the Great Papyrus, will get all the things I utterly deserve! Respect, recognition, I will finally be able to join the royal guard! People will ask me to be my friend! I will bathe in a shower of kisses every morning! 

Sans: Maybe the lamp will help you. 


Sans: Hey take it easy, I've gotten a ton of work done today. A skele-ton. 

Papyrus: SANS!

Sans: Oh come on, you're smiling. 

Papyrus: Yes, and I hate it! (Sigh) What does someone as great as me have to do to get some recognition? 

Sans: You must be really working yourself, down to the bone. 

Papyrus: UGH! I'll just attend to my puzzles. And as for you, brother, put a little more backbone into it! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! 

He then leaves as you come out. 

(Y/N): Well, he seems nice. 

Sans: You should get going. Or else, you'll have to listen to more of my puns. 

(Y/N): Right. But, just so you know, if I run into your brother, I'll humor him. He seems harmless. 

Sans: You got that right. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He just wants a friend. 

(Y/N): I like him, I'll try. 

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