To the End of a Dream!

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The army of the Holy Kingdom has fallen, and Dimitri was nowhere to be found. But all that was left to attack the Capital. And well- 

Dedue: His Highness. He- 

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Dedue. 

Dedue: (Sigh) What shall I do now? 

(Y/N): You can help us. We'll save Dimitri. I promise you. 

Dedue: In that case, I offer my services to all of you. 

Ruby: Dedue? Are you sure you're- 

Dedue: I was such a fool to think that I could have used the Demonic Beasts. All along, I was just being used. And now, that darkness has taken the King himself. 

Weiss: Dimitri's trauma over everything that happened, has consumed him though. I think the next time we see him, he won't even recognize us. 

Yang: Right now, we have to focus on one thing. 

Edelgard: Yes. We have to strike down Rh- No, Seiros. 

(Y/N): Agreed. 

Byleth: Edelgard, are you okay? 

Edelgard: Professor. Like Seiros, you share a bloodline with the so-called goddess. Your mother likely had some connection to the goddess, whose power has always been sleeping within you. Five years ago when your power awakened, I was afraid you would choose to join with her. As you know, my goal is to free our world from the control of Rhea and the other children of the goddess. I seek to obliterate her, as well as those around her who use the church's power to control Fódlan. I swore to free the people from Rhea by striking her down, whether or not it meant making an enemy of you. And came to my aid and chose to walk with me on the path against Rhea. I was overjoyed of course, but I was also confused. I thought that perhaps it wasn't the path you were meant to take. But I chose to trust in you, to rely on you and your strength. And now, here we are.

(Y/N): It's okay. We understand, El. Right now, we're going to finish this. All of us. 

Annette: The Capital should be up ahead. 

Bernadetta: There's no turning back, r-r-right? 

(Y/N): No. Right now, we finish this battle. All together. 

Yang: Just like old times! 

Byleth: Indeed. 

At the Kingdom Capital... 

Catherine: Lady Rhea...Or rather, Lady Seiros. The Imperial army is calling for our surrender. Is it wise to ignore them? Perhaps we could leave Fódlan and devise another plan...


Catherine: Understood... I will do as you command. You have my fealty no matter what, until my last moment of life.

Cyril: I'll stay by your side too...forever.

Seiros: Now, Catherine, Cyril. Set fire to the city. The Imperial army will burn in the flames of eternal torment!

Catherine and Cyril: WHAT?! 

Catherine: There are innocent people there! 

Cyril: There has to b- 

She glared at them with a dragon-like look! 


Cyril: We can't just sacrifice everyone for- 

Seiros: I will not ask again! 

Catherine: NO! WE WON'T! 

Seiros began to transform into the Immaculate One! 

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