The Flame in the Darkness!

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Right now Shamir and Manuela are in a conversation. 

Shamir: That's what we're dealing with. Is there no chance it's an infectious disease?

Manuela: There are no absolutes in medicine, but the chances are extremely slim. Restless movements, fits of violence, becoming bedridden or even impossible to wake... With symptoms that varied, there are only a few possibilities. It's either a mixture of poisons or magic. And dark magic, at that.

Jeralt and Byleth then arrive. 

Jeralt: You're talking about Remire Village, aren't you, Manuela?

Manuela: Oh my, if it isn't Jeralt. Tell me, what was the first thing you heard?

Jeralt: Everything after you mentioned that it's not likely it's an infectious disease. Byleth and I owe the people of Remire Village. If something's happening there, we must help them.

Shamir: We scouted the area ourselves. Speak with the knights. Hear what they have to say. I must go. Thank you for your help, Manuela.

Shamir then leaves. 

Manuela: You know, I'm more than willing to go with you to Remire Village... After all, I owe you my all life. If you'd like, I bet we could even manage the mission all by ourselves. Just the two of us...

Byleth: That's very nice of you! 

Manuela: A bit of a tease, are we Professor? A girl could get used to this side of you. 

Jeralt: Nice try, but I'll be going to the village as well. Enough nonsense. It's time to move out.

Manuela: As you like. 


Hubert and Edelgard were in conversation. 

Hubert: You look unwell. It's because of what happened, isn't it?

Edelgard: Don't speak of it aloud.

Hubert: You can't change the past. For now, all we can do is use it to our advantage.

Edelgard: I know that. I also know that I must steel myself to ascend the Imperial throne.

Hubert: Those preparations are going well. We... Someone is coming.

You arrived. 

(Y/N): Edelgard, Hubert. 

Edelgard: Professor (L/N). I heard about our mission for this month. Something terrible is happening in Remire Village. That's where you were when fate sent you our way. This feels...preordained.

Hubert: Are the knights making progress with their investigation?

(Y/N): They seem to be. 

Hubert: If what is happening there is by design, there must be someone pulling the strings. There is the Death Knight, of course. And the mysterious mages who were implicated with the Western Church. They showed up when Flayn was kidnapped as well. And now there is another strange occurrence near the monastery... It seems an unknown organization hopes to make the monastery its stage for something.

Edelgard: Do you believe that all of these incidents are connected? 

(Y/N): I don't think so. 

Edelgard: Oh? I'm surprised to hear you say that, but actually, I agree. It certainly appears that all of the events surrounding the monastery are connected by a single thread. However... I think it's possible that it may just be a result of different motives overlapping.

At the same time, Ruby and Weiss noticed Dimitri talking to someone. It was Arundel. 

Dimitri: I see. So you'll be staying here for some time, then. Honestly, I'm surprised. I've heard it's been a few years since you last donated to the church.

Lord Arundel: That was merely because of the financial situation of my territory. I assure you, it has nothing to do with my dedication to the church. By the way, Dimitri... Isn't Edelgard currently enrolled at the Officers Academy as well?

Dimitri: Yes. She's in the Black Eagle House. I don't believe she has any plans to leave anytime soon. Why not pay her a visit?

Lord Arundel: I may do just that. It's nice to stay in touch with my dear niece every now and then. Of course I'm also delighted that I was able to speak with my nephew, as well. Whether through marriage or otherwise, family is family, after all.

Dimitri: Of course. The feeling is mutual.

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