Duel with Death!

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You and Richter began to journey farther into the castle! 

(Y/N): We should be getting closer to the top! 

Richter: You're right. Though, there's something off about this area. 

(Y/N): How can you tell? 

Richter: Because I can sense it. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... 

There was a cell nearby in this room. You could feel it yourself. 

(Y/N): I wonder if- 

You noticed a bookshelf nearby. 

(Y/N): Possibly there's a book that unveils a secret passageway here. I wonder if- 

You pulled a book that seemed different from the others, and then- 

(Y/N): AHA! 

The bookcase opened up. 

(Y/N): Here we go! 

You guys went in, and found- 

Iris (Daughter of a village doctor! Had been captured to be a bride of Dracula!) 

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Iris (Daughter of a village doctor! Had been captured to be a bride of Dracula!) 

Iris: Oh, have you both come to rescue me? 

(Y/N): Yeah, you don't need to worry, Ma'am. 

Iris: Huh? You're both injured! 

Richter: Don't worry, they're just scratches. 

Iris: Nonsense, they still need to be treated. 

She ripped off the sleeves of her shirt to patch you both up. 

(Y/N): What a kind soul she is. You're very skilled in the medical profession, I see. 

Iris: My father is a doctor, so I know many medical treatments. 

Richter: Thank you. 

Iris: No, it is I who should be thanking you. 

(Y/N): Well, your welcome. Now, you should be careful in getting back to the village. 

Iris: You're going on a head? 

(Y/N): Yeah, the Lord of the Castle ... we've got a score to settle. 

Iris nodded and left. 


With that, you both come near a room where Death appears. 

Death: So, you've come, the blood of the Belmont, and the man from before. 

(Y/N): Death. 

Richter: This can only end one way. 

Death: Agreed. 

You took out Durandal and smirked. 

(Y/N): Let's see if Death can even survive dying. 

Death: Pathetic. Show me, what you can do. 

He drew his scythe, and started to attack as you blocked with your sword, only for a bunch of sickles to teleport in and attack, though Richter had dealt with those himself, and also using his throwing axe too! 

You struck at Death, and the flames damaged him, though he started to spin his scythe as it levitated high, and tried to go in for another attack, only to be hit by the Holy Cross. 

Richter: Nice try, but your evil will not overcome us. 

(Y/N): You said it, Richter!

You then got the chance to strike, and- 

(Y/N): GOT YOU! 

You sliced his head off! 

Death: This is ... far from over. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

His body burnt up, and soon there was nothing left of him. 

At Dracula's Throne Room... 

Dracula: So ... they've vanquished Death. Hmph. Shaft, you know what to do, right? 

Shaft: Yes, my Master. 

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