Getting Closer to the Treasure!

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You guys all regrouped after defeating CP0, and Vivi was introduced to the girls, as well as the Straw Hats she had not met before! 

Vivi: Hello, it's nice to meet you all. 

Weiss: Wow, you guys weren't kidding about being friends with a princess. 

Luffy: See? I told you! 

Sanji: Ah, Vivi my Love. Your beauty has never faltered from you. A delicate desert flower is what you are. Freshly picked from a- 


You punched him in the face! 

Vivi: Uh, please go easy on Sanji. I know he's very ... womanizing. But he's a good man. 

(Y/N): Hmph. I'll give him some credit for taking care of Nami. 

Sanji: Of course, I'd do that! I wouldn't let anyone harm a lady! 

Yang: Guess there's more to him than being a pervert. He's a chivalrous perverted moron who gets drowns in his own nosebleeds. 

Zoro: Now that's accurate. 


Ruby: So, Vivi, why exactly were you around those jerks? 

Vivi: It wasn't my intention. It's because ... I'm a fugitive. 

Straw Hats: WHAT?! 

Jinbe: This could relate back to the news that was spread about the Reverie. 

Carrot and Yamato: What's that? 

Franky: It's some fancy get-together where the rulers of the world talk about what's going on. 

(Y/N): Makes sense why you would be there. 

Vivi: Believe me. A lot of things happened. My father and I even requested that the Warlord System be abolished. 

Weiss: That was the system where pirates work under the Government for protection, right? 

Nami: Yes, that's right. 

(Y/N): Yeah, I ran into one of those guys. Crocodile. 

Vivi: You ran into Crocodile?! 

(Y/N): Kicked his ass too. Did you know him? 

Vivi: He ... tried to take over my home of Alabasta. 

Luffy: And I kicked his ass! 

Usopp: Wait ... if you were with CP0, then that would mean- YOU WERE GOING TO BE KILLED?! 

Vivi: The Government wants me out of the picture. And CP0 took me hostage. 

(Y/N): And I thought the Church of Seiros was bad. These guys are 100 times worse! Don't worry, I think it'll take a while before Leopard Boy will come back. 

Ruby: How badly did you beat him (Y/N)? 

(Y/N): I put that pussycat in his place. 

Vivi: What are you guys doing now? 

Robin: Treasure Hunting. Hmph, been a while, Ms. Wednesday. 

Vivi looked at Robin unamused. 

Vivi: Hello, Ms. All Sunday. 

Luffy: HAHAHAHA! Man, this feels just like old times! So, you coming Vivi? 

Vivi: (Sigh) Of course, actually, it feels just like 2 years ago. 

(Y/N): It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Vivi. 

Vivi: No, no, it's fine. Just call me Vivi. 

(Y/N): Wow, sweet, and beautiful. 

She just blushed and smiled. 

Vivi: Uh ... thanks for the compliment. 

Nami: Okay, did anyone find a single clue that can trace us to the treasure? 

Ruby: I think one of those agent guys dropped a clue. Though, I can't make it out. It seems that it's written in some old dialect. 

Robin: Old dialect? Ruby, do you think I can see it? 

Ruby: Sure Robin. 

Ruby hands over a parchment to Robin which was written in some ancient language. 

Of course, Robin being from an island filled with scholars, had no difficulty at all reading this. 

Robin: It is pointing us to an island just nearby. The treasure should be there. 


Straw Hats: YEAH! 

Though, the Marines and the Warlord Quartet would be waiting for you guys on this last island. 

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