The Field of the Eagle and the Lion!

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Another month had passed, and you, the girls, and the students were talking about the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion that was coming up!

Dimitri: The Battle of the Eagle and the Lion is finally upon us! This is the chance to show the results of how far we've all come.

Byleth: What is it then?

Edelgard: It's a large-scale mock battle between all three houses that takes place every year.

Hubert: Its scale is incomparable to the mock battle we fought during the Great Tree Moon. It will take place in the vast Gronder Field. That is in Empire territory to the southeast of Garreg Mach.

Edelgard: Whichever house defeats the most opponents wins. Of course, the professors also fight alongside their respective houses.

Ruby: Apparently, Manuela and Hanneman are sitting out.

Byleth: They are?

Blake: Manuela is being prudent, and that's also why Hanneman stepped down.

(Y/N): Yikes. I feel bad for them.

Manuela: Oh, don't worry about us. You know you wanna see the kids in action.

Manuela appeared all happy and chipper.

(Y/N): Manuela, are you okay?

Manuela: You bet! But I'd only be a burden out there. My students don't need to see me collapsed. Well, not on the battlefield, anyway.

Hanneman: Correct, we will not be participating. Regardless, do not expect victory to come easily. Or at all.

Manuela: Well put. We've spent the past few months pushing our students to their limits. You can see me in the infirmary after they destroy you.

Yang: Heh! Please, Golden Deer is going to win this one! We've been training like crazy! And we'll keep at it!

Weiss: Blue Lions are going to win this time. I made sure that everyone got their training in.

(Y/N): You do realize that Black Eagles prevailed last time right?

Edelgard: Professor (L/N) is clearly the strongest one here.

(Y/N): I don't like to brag El. Please don't.


You found Edelgard talking to Monica.

Monica (Student of the Officers Academy!)

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Monica (Student of the Officers Academy!)

Monica: What do you say, Edel? Shall we meet up in the library later to... Oh! Hello, Professor!

(Y/N): Hi there Monica!

Edelgard: Do you need something? I'm a little busy at the moment.

(Y/N): I was jut passing by, no need to worry.

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