Saliva Island!!

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Ruby and Weiss got back from strangling the Mayor and also Ammo Baron!

Ruby: Okay! Let's go!!

Weiss: Honestly, that felt really good!

Ruby: You said it girlfriend!

Ruby hugged her bestie/girlfriend, and Weiss hesitantly kissed her.

Risky: Okay, can we go now?

(Y/N): Risky!! Give them some time to be lovey!

A bit later...

You guys set sail to Saliva Island, and Risky spoke up.

Risky: Okay, listen up! You guys need to locate the Den of Evil on this island. Unfortunately, I can't go myself.

Shantae: Why not?

Risky: Because ....

(Y/N): I'd say it's a curse.

Risky: Hmph. Whatever.

Yang: We don't need her help anyway! Come on gang!

(Y/N): Hey, I'm the leader, Yang!

Yang: I know, I just wanted to say that.

You guys go throughout the island, going up the high slopes, and waterfalls, and taking out any monsters on the way!

(Y/N): Okay! We should be close to the Den of Evil!

Blake: Where do you think it is?

You observed the area, and saw a long drop.

(Y/N): I'd say down there!

Everyone: WHAT?!


You all jump down, and-

You all washed up inside of the Den of Evil, which happened to be a massive maze.

Weiss: We're ... alive.

(Y/N): I thought this would be the entrance!

Girls: Let's not ... do that again.

(Y/N): Okay! Got it! Sorry for scaring you.

Girls: It's okay, (Y/N)!

Your girls would forgive you no matter what, because they knew how good and kind you were.

Along the way, you guys managed to find a flintlock pistol!

Shantae: This must be one of the items that Risky lost.

(Y/N): Hey, why don't you hang onto it?

Shantae: Really?

(Y/N): Sure! It could come in handy!

Along the way, you guys ran into more Cacklebats, and Shantae used the lamp in order to suck in the dark magic!

Not only that, but there was a giant cyclops plant!

(Y/N): That must be the monster who guards this place! Girls! Let's tear it apart! FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!

You burned the vines away, giving the girls the opportunity to attack the eye!

Hell, Shantae was getting good at using the pistol, that she shot out the eye!

Everyone: ALRIGHT!!!

You guys also found a map, which lead to the next island!

(Y/N): Okay, this should take us to the next island!

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