Battle with CP0!/A Captured Princess!

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The crew arrived on the island, and agreed to split up again.

(Y/N): Okay! This time, Luffy and I will be taking off together.

Ruby: Are you sure?

Luffy: What's the problem? We're both very strong guys!

Nami: If someone smarter is at least with Luffy, then I guess we have nothing to worry about.

(Y/N): Exactly! I think it's crucial we come up with a structure for this. Zoro, you should go with Sanji again.


(Y/N): Yeah, to keep him in line.

Sanji: I hate you, you know that?

(Y/N): Same to you, Curly Brows.

Sanji: What was that about my eyebrows?

(Y/N): I bet that smoking has made your brain process slower.

Sanji: I'LL KILL YOU!!

But then Nami whacked him on the head.

Nami: I'll look after these two idiots.


Ruby: Oh! I'll go with Usopp and Chopper again! I want to see them both do something cool!

Usopp: Ha! Well of course. The great Captain Usopp can't disappoint a fan.

Weiss: You're only fooling yourself.

Chopper: You think ... I'm cool?

Ruby: Yes! And adorable!



Weiss: Wait, who do I go with then?

(Y/N): I say with Franky and Brook. You could support them.

Weiss: Oh great. I'm with the weirdest ones?

Franky: Oh come on. You know you can't get enough of this super body of mine.

Brook: YOHOHOHOHO! My Weiss, you're quite hot tempered for an ice person. Say, do you think I can see-

Weiss kicked him!

Weiss: NO!!!

Yang: Aww man! Who do I get?

(Y/N): Carrot and Yamato.

Yang: Ha! They seem really strong. Besides, I want to fight Yama myself!

Yamato: You're on!

Carrot: Yay! We're a team of heavy hitters!

Blake: Then I guess I'm with Robin and Jinbe. Honestly, they're the most sane ones here, so u can work with this.

Robin: Ara, this should be interesting.

Jinbe: It's good to have you around, my friend.

With that...

You were listening to Luffy sing.

Luffy: (singing) The islands in the south are warm. And their heads get really hot. They're growing pineapples, they're growing coconuts, and they're morons.

(Y/N): You are one interesting creature. Honestly, I can't even comprehend how you even function.

Then Luffy noticed something.

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