Familiar Scenery!

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You, Byleth, Team RWBY, and all of your students move out to wipe out a whole bunch of bandits. 

To be honest, none of those bastards stood a chance! 

Byleth: You notice that all of them seem to be fighting even better? 

(Y/N): Our teachings are rubbing off on them. 

You both noticed bandits coming, and- 

(Y/N) and Byleth: HA! 

You both slashed through them. 

Ruby: Wow, look at them go. 

Ruby shot at a bandit that was coming to her. 

Claude and Ashe also shot some bandits with their bows and arrows. 

Caspar and Raphael were following Yang's example, and smashing through their opponents! 

The Axe users were also swinging hard, along with the ones who were riding on horseback! 

Weiss: That's more like it! Felix, Sylvain, Ferdinand, Lowen! 

And there were also the magic users! A mix of white and black magic combined together! 

(Y/N): Great work everybody! 

Everyone then returned to the monastery. 

At lunch time... 

You had to order more food to satiate the fact that you had Dragon Slayer Magic. 

Right now, you had Sweet buns, some onion gratin soup, a meat pie, spicy fish dango, fried pheasant, and cake. 

You also got the chance to dine with the Blue Lions. 

Dimitri: We have only just arrived at the academy, and we're already being sent out to take care of all these bandits. 

(Y/N): Consider it an honor Dimitri. 

Sylvain: Too bad all the girls couldn't be here. I would hate to miss all the professors' smiling faces. 

Felix and Ingrid: Have you no shame whatsoever? 

Mercedes: We don't have to worry, we're all together, and we've overcome a lot in such a short time. 

Annette: Yeah! Besides, we have our professors helping us. 

Nearby Ruby and Byleth were dragging Bernadetta over to the tables. 

Bernadetta: But I want to eat in my room! 

Ruby: NO! You have to learn to get out of your room! Stop being so sheltered! 

Byleth: Ruby is right, Bernadetta. You need to learn to come out of that shell. 

Bernadetta: But it's so- 

They placed her on the table, and then went to order some cake for her. 

And then she started to eat it. 

Ruby: Cake is usually a girl's best friend! 

After more days passed... 

(Y/N): Well? 

Edelgard: We have received word from the knights. They've located the bandits. 

Hubert: It seems they have them cornered. They are in Zanado, the Red Canyon.

Caspar: I can't wait to get started! I'll strike down those heinous thieves before they know what hit them!

Ferdinand: Charge ahead if you must, Caspar. Just do not put the rest of us in danger.

Bernadetta: I'm going back. I won't be of any help anyway, and I don't want to get hurt.

Dorothea: Don't worry, Bern. It's just some bandits. We'll have no trouble at all.

Linhardt: Eh, don't get ahead of yourselves. Unfounded optimism isn't a great strategy. Let's just get this over with.

Petra: There is nothing to get over. We will work with each other to achieve our mission.

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