Puzzle Loving!

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You had some encounters with some hostile monsters, but ... you did what Sans would do, and told them some jokes, making them calm down, and become friendly! 

(Y/N): Sheesh, these monsters are actually a lot friendlier than I thought. I know humans can be dicks sometimes. But, really, if they just took the time to listen to others, then no bigotry would exist. 

You then saw Papyrus and Sans. 

Papyrus: So, as I was saying about Undy- AGH! Sans! Oh my God! IT'S A HUMAN! 

Sans: Actually, I think that's a rock. 

Papyrus: Oh. 

Sans: Now, what's that in front of the rock? 

Papyrus: What do- OH MY GOD! 

He then leaned close to his brother. 

Papyrus: (whispering) Is that a human? 

Sans: (whispering) Yes. 


He then stopped cheering. 

Papyrus: Ahem. 

(Y/N): Hi. 

Papyrus: Hello Human! You shall not pass this area! For I, the Great Papyrus, will stop you! Next I will capture you! And then you will be delivered to the Capital in front of King Asgore himself! And then- Well ... I'm not sure. In any case .. continue ... if you dare! NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH! 

He then left. 

Sans: Well, I think that went well. 

(Y/N): Honestly, I can't even hate this guy. 

Sans: Oh don't worry about him Kid, I'll keep an eyesocket out for ya. 

(Y/N): Thanks Sans. 

You then took off into the snowy area and ran into a dog guard. 

Dog Guard: (Seth Mcfarlane voice) Hmm ... did I just see a human? 

(Y/N): Oh no, it's well- Good boy? 

You pet him on the head. 

Dog Guard: I just been pet! 

He began to wag his tail fast!

You then began to pet him more and more! 

(Y/N): Who's a good boy?! Who's a good boy?! You know, I have a lot of dog pets. You want to- 

Dog Guard: Master! Master! Take me with you, Master! 

(Y/N): Not until you complete your duties as a guard. 

Dog Guard: Yes, Master! Can I have a treat? 

(Y/N): I'll get some. 


You ran into Papyrus and Sans again. 

Papyrus: I swear, you off napping all night! 

Sans: I think that's just called sleeping. 


(Y/N): Hi Papyrus. 

Papyrus: Huh?! Oh! Hello Human! Now then, prepare yourself! For you see, my brother and I have created some puzzles to stop you! 

(Y/N): Alright. 

Papyrus: This one is an invisible electricity maze! If you touch the walls of this maze, you will be zapped! As displayed by this orb! 

He pulls out an orb. 

Papyrus: Sound like fun? Because the amount of fun you will probably have, is actually rather small, I think. 

(Y/N): Alright. Here I go. 

You take one step, and then Papyrus gets zapped! 


He was covered in soot. 


Sans: I think the human has to be the one to hold the orb? 

Papyrus: Oh! Right, silly me! 

He then walks, leaving footprints on the ground. 

(Y/N): This is going to be easy. 

You grabbed the orb. 

(Y/N): I'm ready! 

Papyrus: Alright, go on. 

You walked on the footprints to the end. 

(Y/N): Ta Da! 

Papyrus: Incredible! You slippery snail! You solved it so easily! However, the next one will not be so easy! For Sans designed it! You will surely be confounded! Nyeh Heh Heh! 

He then left. 

(Y/N): I think he's having too much fun. 

Sans: Yeah, oh by the way, that outfit he's wearing. We made that a few weeks ago for a costume party. He hasn't worn anything else since. He calls it his "battle body." 

(Y/N): Heh. 


You went to the area with the next puzzle, only to see a piece of paper on the ground. 

Papyrus: Okay Human! I hope you're re- Sans! What did you do with the puzzle?! 

Sans: It's on the ground. Believe me, there's no way that he's going to get past this one. 

You saw that it was a word search, with one word not there. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... Wow, that was easy. 

Papyrus: Sans, that didn't do anything! 

Sans: Whoops, I should have used today's crossword instead. 

Papyrus: CROSSWORD?! EXCUSE ME?! In my opinion, Junior Jumble is the hardest. 

Sans: Seriously? That easy-peasy word scramble? That's for baby bones. 

Papyrus: Un. Believable. Human, which is harder? 

(Y/N): Junior Jumble. 

Papyrus: HA! See?! Even the Human agrees with me! 

He then leaves. 

(Y/N): BY the way, I only said that because it would make him happy. 

Sans: I could tell. Papyrus finds difficulty in interesting places. 

In the next area... 

You found a plate of spaghetti with marinara sauce. 

(Y/N): Huh? A note? "Human, please enjoy this spaghetti. But it's a trap. Designed to entice you! You'll be so busy eating it that you won't progress! Japed again by the Great Papyrus! Nyeh Heh Heh!" (Sigh) That dope. 

You ate it, and- 

(Y/N): That was actually really good! 

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