Into the Labyrinth!

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Team (Y/N) arrived outside the city, and came across a cavern entrance.

(Y/N): This looks like the entrance!


Natsu was about to run in, but Erza grabbed him by the shirt collar.

Erza: Don't even think about it.

Natsu: You're a stick in the mud, you know that Erza?

Erza: WHAT?!

Natsu: Nothing.

Weiss: It's amazing how terrified he is of her.

Yang: Oh, it's hilarious.

(Y/N): We also need him as our light.

Natsu: Light?! What do I look like, a torch?

Lucy: Unless you want Erza to beat the crap out of you, then you should do it.

Natsu: Right. Hmph.

With that ...

Everyone descended down into the Labyrinth.

And Natsu was acting as the light for everyone to see.

Ruby: What kind of monsters will we see down here?

Yang: Some of the nastiest and deadliest you could ever imagine! The types that could give scares to the bravest of people, and-

Wendy: Yang ... I .. I don't think I can imagine anything else that scary!


Yang: Okay! Fine!

On the first floor was-

Blake: A spider?


(Y/N): No! We need to take it out quickly!

Ruby: I got this!

Ruby held onto Crescent Rose, and then-


In a matter of seconds, Ruby sliced through the spider!

Weiss: What the?! She was even faster than ever before!

Lucy: Looks like all of that training really payed off!

Gray: This is just the first level, and we'll have to pull it together.

Ruby: I know! Onward and onward!

Blake: Same old Ruby. Hahaha.

Lucy: Wait, Ruby; what if they're any traps?

Ruby: We could let Happy handle those.

Happy: WHAT?! WHY ME?!

Ruby: You can fly.

Happy: I know, but-

Ruby: You also can move pretty fast when flying.

Happy: I don't know if I-

Carla went into her human form, and then she put on an innocent cute little face.

Carla: Happy, would you do it for me? Please?

She blew a kiss at him, and he went for it!

Happy: YES MA'AM!!

He flew right ahead, and then, he could have sworn he heard something!

Happy: Hey, what's that? Hmm ... it sounds like- AAAAAAAAAAGH!!

He flew back as a bunch of skeletons were chasing him!

Blake: Hang on. I got this. SHADOW SLASH!!

Blake created a shadow mass on the ground, which extended to then fire a big shadow slash, that took the skeletons out.

Yang: You Kitty Cat, are awesome!

(Y/N): We should be finding some stuff in no time!

Happy: Did ... I do good?

Carla: Yes Happy, you did.

Happy: Want to split a fish later?

Carla: I'll think about it.

At the same time... deeper in the Labrinyth...

???: So, we have more guests?

???2: It seems that way.

Mystalia (Member of the Dark Guild Pandemonium! Specializes in spirit magic! Can summon flaming spirits to help in combat! His Scythe is also based on spiritual power!)

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Mystalia (Member of the Dark Guild Pandemonium! Specializes in spirit magic! Can summon flaming spirits to help in combat! His Scythe is also based on spiritual power!)

Anastasia (Member of the Pandemonium Dark Guild! She specializes in Manipulation Magic! She can control anyone she deems perfect to be her puppets! Also uses Dark Magic to absorb all kinds of magic!)

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Anastasia (Member of the Pandemonium Dark Guild! She specializes in Manipulation Magic! She can control anyone she deems perfect to be her puppets! Also uses Dark Magic to absorb all kinds of magic!)

Mystalia: Should I go? Or-

Anastasia: No, I have a better idea, we want to make sure the Master and the others can locate the Dragon Lacrima. I have a much better idea.

She whistled for some figures.

One had spiky yellow hair, with a Fairy Tail Mark on him. And he was joined by three others.

Two others came in, and they looked like a silver haired man with blue clothes, and a pink haired girl, who seemed to look a bit older than Wendy.

Then there was a swordswoman and a cat girl.

And finally, there were two Dragon Slayers as well.

Anastasia: Wipe out our uninvited guests, alright?

They nodded, and left.

Mystalia: They'll win right? You do realize that they've been beaten before during the Grand Magic Games, right?

Anastasia: I know, but they also fought hard against the Black Wizard's forces. They're not to be underestimated.

Mystalia: Agreed. The era of the Balaam Alliance and Zeref is over. Pandemonium now rises!

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