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Thanks to a Shield Quinjet, Yang and Blake arrived at an abandoned laboratory in Russia. 

Yang: This was the last place where Captain Rogers, Thor, and this She-Hulk person were last sent. 

Blake: Do you think she's related to Hulk? 

Yang: To Jolly Green? Please, she's probably just some poser, who- 


A buff green female appeared before them! And she looked angry! 

She-Hulk (Real Name: Jennifer Walters! She is Hulk's cousin! Due to being injured in a car accident, Bruce ended up sharing his blood in a transfusion, causing her to gain his powers of transforming into a monster! Well

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She-Hulk (Real Name: Jennifer Walters! She is Hulk's cousin! Due to being injured in a car accident, Bruce ended up sharing his blood in a transfusion, causing her to gain his powers of transforming into a monster! Well ... a very sexy-looking monster! However, she's much more intelligent in this form, and more in control of her temper!) 

Yang: Hey, she looks pretty good. 

She-Hulk went to punch Yang, who just punched her back! 

Yang: Okay Kitty! Go on! I got this girl! 

The two began to beat each other up. 

Blake: Don't get too hurt. 

She took off, only to run into angered-looking versions of Captain America and Thor. 

Blake: Captain? Thor? Uh ... what- AGH! 

Blake dodged both of them as they attacked her. 

Blake: What's the meaning of this? 

???: That would be me. 

The Presence (Real Name: Sergei Krylov! A very famous scientist from the Soviet Union! He sought power by mutating himself into a radioactive creature!) Blake: And you are? 

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The Presence (Real Name: Sergei Krylov! A very famous scientist from the Soviet Union! He sought power by mutating himself into a radioactive creature!) 

Blake: And you are? 

Presence: I am the Presence. You see, Captain America and the Mighty Thor have had a run-in with my radioactive materials. 

Blake: Radiation? Wait, She-Hulk has gamma radiation in her blood, how did- 

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