Dark King Dimitri!

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Salem was in her castle, and a transmission came in to her. 

Salem: Who speaks at this moment? 

Dimitri appeared before her. 

Salem: It is I, my Queen. 

Salem: Hello Dimitri. I entrust that everything is fine in your new kingdom? 

Dimitri: Yes. When do I make my move against that vile bitch? 

Salem: Do not be impatient. You will face Edelgard one day. Along with- 

Dimitri: My former professors? 

Salem: Yes. Everyone who turned on you will be yours very soon. 

Dimitri: Yes. I understand. 

The message cut off. 

At Dimitri's Kingdom... 

A massive steampunk kingdom was seen as several mechanical creatures were seen. 

Dimitri: MY LOYAL ARMY! Thank you for coming today. We will not rest until that demon witch, Edelgard, the woman who took my mother is dead! And all those who turned their backs on the kingdom vanquish! In the name of Lady Salem, we will succeed! 

A few figures surrounded Dimitri, and they all looked really demonic! 

Just what kind of army did he build up? 

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