Farewell Baran!/Dark King Vearn!

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Baran looked at Dai. 

Baran: Dai ... is that you my Son? 

Dai: Yeah, I'm right here. You're going to be fine! I'll have my friends heal you! 

Baran: Don't bother. It's too late for me. 

Dai: NO! Come on! Don't say that! We can get you back to normal! You'll be fine. I- 

Baran: Please ... don't cry. You don't need to shed tears for someone as pathetic as me. 

(Y/N): Baran ... you ... you saved us. We would have been dead without you! 

Baran: (Y/N). Hahahahahaha. As you have always said. I was weak. I could never call myself the Dragon Knight. I threw away my human heart. To be fair, you had the real Dragon Knight by your side all this time. Thank you, for looking after Dai. I'd say, you've been more like his real family all along. 

(Y/N): I- 

Baran: I have no more words. Please, look after him. Alright? 

(Y/N): I will. I promise you. 

Baran: Dai, you must live. Fight on, and follow the path you believe in. Goodbye. 

Baran closed his eyes. 

Dai: DAD! NO! DAD! 

He began to break down and cry over his father's body, as his body glowed and Dai was given his own aura! 

Dai saw all of Baran's memories. 

Dai felt all of Baran's love for his own son! 

Dai: Dad. 

Gomechan went right to him, and Dai smiled. 

Dai: I'm alright Gomechan, don't worry about me. 

(Y/N): Dai, I'm sorry about Baran. I really am. But, I'm happy. He can finally rest in peace. All of his pain is over. I bet ... he's with Soala in heaven now. Goodbye Baran, may 100 million Dragons carry you to a better place. 

Ruby: Now what? 

Popp: We should go and come up with a plan. 

Crocodine: We can't! We already came this far! 


Hyunckel: I know far too well the pain of losing a parent. But, Baran gave us this opportunity. We can't let his death be in vain. 

(Y/N): You're right Hyunckel! We have to find Vearn and take him down right now! 

Dai: Yeah, besides ... I still feel he's in here. 

Dai put his hand on his heart. 

Yang: Heh! You bet! 

Summer: As a parent myself, I couldn't agree with all of his actions, but ... he saved all of us. 

Raven: Sometimes, parents have to atone for their sins. Now, let's find Vearn and kill him! 

???: My you have quite the mouth. 

Mystvearn and Killvearn appeared! 

Maam: It's Mystvearn and Killvearn! 

Pyrrha: Hmph, looks like they don't know when to give up! 

Mystvearn: We're just here to watch. 

Blake: Watch what? 

Killvearn: The glory of the Dark King himself! King Vearn is here. 

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