Where the Goddess Dwells!

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Everyone was in mourning over Jeralt's passing. Though Byleth took it so hard. She even fell asleep in his quarters. 

(Y/N): Byleth. Are you alright? 

Byleth: I- 

(Y/N): I'm sorry. I know it's hard considering what happened with Jeralt, but we have to get it together. If our students lose confidence because you're lost in your sadness, then they'll suffer too. You still have us. You'll never be alone. 

And then she hugged you. 

Byleth: (Y/N) ... thank you. 

(Y/N): You're welcome, Byleth. I'm here for you. 

You spent some time comforting Byleth ... 

And then after that, you brought her over to the others. 

Blake: Hey, are you okay now? 

Byleth: Yes, I think so. 

Everyone was worried about her. 

Students: Professor!/Are you alright Teach?/Here, do you need some sweets, Professor? 

Weiss: They were all concerned about you ... Byleth. 

Byleth: Thank you ... everyone. 

(Y/N): Don't worry, they're not going to get away with this. I'll go and talk to Rhea about this. 

And so... 

(Y/N): We march on to the Sealed Forest. Solon and Monica, they won't get away with this! 

All of the Professors and Students then marched out into the Sealed Forest. 

(Y/N): They should be near. 

Ruby: But it could be a trap. 

Hubert: Agreed. We must not let our guard down. 

Bernadetta: Professor... We'll avenge Jeralt for you, no matter what!

Ferdinand: Remember--it is a bad idea to get distracted by revenge.

Petra: I have readiness. Our enemies will be taking...we will take our enemies down!

Linhardt: Well, it's not like we have any other missions this month. I suppose this is as good a way as any to spend our energy.

Caspar: Linhardt spending energy? We had better finish this fast before the pigs start flying everywhere.

Dorothea: Lower your voice. The enemy could be close!

Ashe: Leave it to us, Professor. I'll give it my all.

Sylvain: Fighting Tomas... It will be difficult, that's for certain.

Mercedes: I don't really love the idea of fighting people I know...

Annette: We don't have a choice. Even if it's difficult, an enemy is an enemy. We've just got to get it over with!

Felix: Just kill them from behind. As long as you don't see their faces, you won't know if you know them.

Lysithea: It is a difficult task, but we will succeed.

Ignatz: An enemy whose objective you don't understand is a frightening prospect.

Raphael: We're gonna destroy 'em! It's our mission!

Leonie: I will have my revenge, whatever it takes. On that, I will never budge.Marianne: Leonie... You will have what you seek.

And then Monica appeared. 

Monica: Hello everyone! Welcome to teh Forest of Death! 



Monica just laughed and transformed! 

Monica just laughed and transformed! 

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