To the Next Island!

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The crew regrouped back at the Sunny, and well, everyone was up to speed.

Yang: Wow, that guy must have been all talk if he lost to a guy who can't even make his way with a big group.

Zoro: Oh shut up, it's not as funny if it happens to someone like you.

Ruby: So, it's a much bigger treasure hunt!

(Y/N): That's one way of putting it.

Luffy: Oh yeah! I found something too!

The idiot captain pulled out a rainbow conch shell!

Blake: WOW!

Carrot: That shell is really shiny! It's like ... like a- like a-

Blake: Like a real rainbow!

Robin: That must be the Rainbow Conch. It's a shell that lets whoever puts their ear close to it, listen to the songs of what one can make out as fair sirens.

Sanji: Ah, that sounds just like going into heaven.

Zoro: You're pathetic.


Nami: More importantly, that must cost a fortune! It can-

Luffy: No way Nami! I found it first!

Nami: And how is that going to make you stop me?

Luffy: It's really shiny, I found it, and ..... you can't have it!

Nami: Since when would you find value in something like this?

Luffy: I think it's cool.

Weiss: Nami, just let him have it. I don't think he's going to give it up.

The navigator knew she was pointlessly arguing, because Luffy was the kind of guy who wouldn't change his mind when it's set on something.

(Y/N): Still, if that was our treasure, I'd call it a good find.

Ruby: Yeah! I wonder what the next island is like. The possibilities are endless!

On the Frost Island...

Crocodile encountered one of the members of the Warlord Quartet.

Crocodile: And you're supposed to be?

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Crocodile: And you're supposed to be?

???: I am Faye Lysandre of the Hound Pirates, and your time is up.

Crocodile: Pretty big talk coming from a savage wolf.

Faye: You'll learn not to underestimate us.

She charged at Crocodile, who prepared to counterattack.


She generated lightning from her hands to shock him, but-

He grabbed her arm first, and tried to drain her nutrients.

Crocodile: Heh, moving in to attack without knowing what your opponent can do is a very stupid move. Honestly, you remind me of a certain runt who beat me 2 years ago.


She hit him with her other arm.

Crocodile: WHAT?!

Faye: A cornered dog always fights back.

Crocodile: True, but you should know how dangerous the fangs of a crocodile can be.

She fell down feeling pain.

Faye: How did-

Crocodile: Simple poison. At this point, all you need is some antidote, and I doubt that-


Crocodile: What th-

Luffy appeared and punched him in the face!

Luffy: HA! Your tricks won't work on me!

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