Shantae Fired?!/Risky's Revenge!

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You and Team RWBY arrived at Scuttle Town because something big was happening!

Shantae: Hey! You guys made it!

(Y/N): So, what's up Shantae?

Shantae: My uncle is throwing an old relic unveiling.

Ruby: Oh! Sounds neat!

Blake: This should be interesting.

Yang: Yeah! Lead the way, girlfriend!

Weiss: I know Risky is going to show up. I just know it.

(Y/N): Then let's be ready!

At Scuttle Town...

Mimic was going on and on about how he found the relic, and well ... it was exhausting.

Yang: So, you two doing good?

Sky: Yeah, thanks for asking. Though most of my warbirds have left. I only have Wrench.

Blake: He's a good bird at least.

Ruby: Yeah!

Mimic: And now for the unveiling!

Mimic smashed it, and our came-

Shantae: Is that a magic lamp?

Mimic: Uh ...

He seemed to be even more nervous than before!

Shantae: Uncle Mimic? You okay?

Mimic: Well-

Then the ceiling exploded, and out came-

Risky: OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! Hello runts!

(Y/N), Shantae, and Team RWBY: RISKY BOOTS!!

Risky: In the flesh! I'm here for my revenge!!

Ruby: What are you up to this time you jerk?

Risky: I'm taking this magic lamp! Alright men! Get to it!

Risky's Tinkerbats began to reel her up, and they took off!

Shantae: We have to stop her!

Weiss: She never learns!

You guys pursue Risky and after a while, you guys corner her!

Shantae: Not so fast Risky!

Yang: You're going down!

Risky: Ha! Unlikely!

She unveiled so many cannons from her ship, only for you to eat them!

(Y/N): Good old iron! I needed that! IRON DRAGON STEEL SWORD!!

You then cut the ship in half!

Risky: AGH!!

The Tinkerbats fell down and were taken down quickly by the girls!

Risky: Oh crap. Uh ... EAT THIS FOOLS!

She threw a smoke bomb right at you guys!

Everyone: HEY!!

She then took off!



Shantae: Hey! It's not my fault!

Mayor Scuttlebutt: Oh really? Because it seems that ever since you appeared, Risky Boots keeps showing up! You're fired!

Shantae: You can't fire me! Who will protect Scuttle Town?

Mayor Scuttlebutt: I'll just start holding interviews!

He took off.

(Y/N): Oh cheer up Shantae, he'll realize his mistake. I know it!

Shantae: I hope so.

Weiss: What is Risky up to though?

Blake: Maybe we should ask Mimic.

(Y/N): Hopefully he knows something.


Mimic: NO!

Yang: Worth a shot.

Shantae: But Uncle-

Mimic: No! I won't let you search for the Magic Talismans!

Girls: Magic Talismans?

(Y/N): Thank you.

Mimic: Hey! I- Me and my big mouth!

(Y/N): Maybe Rotty knows something about them.

Weiss: As long as she doesn't try to eat our brains though.

Ruby: But I like Rotty! She's cool!

Weiss: Let's just get this over with.

The new adventure was beginning!

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