Ruby's Special Birthday!/Vampire Hunter!

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October 31st game again, and that meant- 


Yeah, what Ruby said. And she wanted to have a lot of fun! 

Ruby: Oh (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): What is it Ruby? 

Ruby: It's my birthday! 

(Y/N): I know! So, what do you want to do? 

Ruby: Well ... I was thinking of a few things, but- 

She began to think. 

You then snuck off for a few seconds. 

(Y/N): Hey, how are the decorations coming? 

Blake: Still working on a few things. 

Yang: We need time. 

(Y/N): Okay, what should I do? 

Summer: Just take Ruby on some adventures, okay? I mean, only a short amount of time lasts in between. 

(Y/N): Got it! 

With that... 

(Y/N): Okay Ruby! Are you ready? 

Ruby: You bet! Let's go! What's in store for us? 

(Y/N): Let's see. 

You check the DS to see another location unlocked! 

(Y/N): Transylvania? Interesting. Here we go! 

You guys soon went off! 

1792 Transylvania... 

A dark priest is seen looking over a woman as she is strapped onto a closed coffin. 

Priest: You

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Priest: You ... girl ... your blood will be what I need to awaken the Prince of Darkness himself. 



He stabs the girl in the heart as he blood leaks into the coffin. 

The cultists take her off the coffin as a hand bursts out, and a man arises. 

Dracula (Prince of Darkness! He was once a human man named Mathias Cronqvist who threw his humanity away to gain power! Now he has become a vampire, and rules Transylvania with fear, praying upon women, and threatening the world with his army of m...

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Dracula (Prince of Darkness! He was once a human man named Mathias Cronqvist who threw his humanity away to gain power! Now he has become a vampire, and rules Transylvania with fear, praying upon women, and threatening the world with his army of monsters! Voiced by Patrick Seitz!)

Dracula: Who has resurrected me from my slumber? 

Priest: That would be me, Lord Dracula. 

Dracula: Ah, I see. And who might you be? 

Priest: Shaft, I am the leader of this group who was made to worship you and only you. 

Dracula: Your admiration is quite impeccable. Now, I think I shall get to reviving my army. But first, I need to recover my strength. 


Fire was set to a nearby village as several of Dracula's skeleton monsters began to attack the villagers. 

You and Ruby arrived to notice them. 

(Y/N): WHAT THE?! 

Ruby: What's going on here?! 

(Y/N): Guess we better take out these monsters! 

You both began to take out the skeletons, which was easy as they were pretty weak. 

???: Ah, and what have we here? 

A figure with a big scythe emerged. 

Ruby: What the?! 

(Y/N): The Grim Reaper himself? 

Death (The Grim Reaper himself! Due to Dracula possessing the Crimson Stone, he serves as his loyal servant, and will do anything to get on his master's good side! He can cast dark magic, such as dark fire, dark lightning, and other things! Though...

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Death (The Grim Reaper himself! Due to Dracula possessing the Crimson Stone, he serves as his loyal servant, and will do anything to get on his master's good side! He can cast dark magic, such as dark fire, dark lightning, and other things! Though, his scythe is his favorite weapon to use!)

Death: Hmph. A fine maiden like yourself will do nicely as one of my master's brides. 

Ruby: WHAT?! 

Ruby held Crescent Rose tightly. 

Death: A scythe huh? Interesting. Girl, you will come with me. 


You took out the Master Sword and the Demon Dragon Blade! 

(Y/N): She's not going anywhere! 

Death: Watch your tongue, Boy! 

He charged at you with his scythe, which you managed to block and struck him! 

Death: AGH! This power is interesting. I'll withdraw for now, but I will take the girl, and also, your soul! 

He disappeared. 

(Y/N): We better get moving. This guy means business! 

Ruby: You said it! 

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