To the Final Battle!

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Another day had come, and well, you were looking forward to it all. 

(Y/N): This is it. 

Leona: I see you're in a good mood today. 

Leona appeared. 

(Y/N): Hey Leona. I am. This is it, the final showdown. Do you know where Vearn Palace? 

Leona: Queen Flora tracked them down. They're stationed in Roroi Valley. 

(Y/N): I see. They'll be waiting to ambush us all, I'm sure of it. 

Leona: You're not wrong. Queen Flora and I managed to find the Kaglimmer spell. 

(Y/N): That's what'll be used to weaken Vearn Palace, right? 

Leona: Yes. But it's not just going to be me casting it. I need you, Dai, Popp, Maam, and Hyunckel. 

(Y/N): I see. They've all proven themselves strong. Dai with his perseverance, Popp finding the courage in himself, Maam and her kind heart, and I'd say Hyunckel has changed a lot from the man I thought he originally was. Who knows, you've changed too, Leona. 

Leona: How so? 

(Y/N): Well, you were kind of immature before. 

Leona: WHAT?! What do you mean immature? 

(Y/N): I mean ... royal brat kind of immature. 

Leona: (Sigh) Maybe I was. But that doesn't mean I can't be a good leader! 

(Y/N): Well, I didn't say that. You're awesome. 

Leona: I ... am? 

(Y/N): Yeah. That's why you'll be coming with me and the others to fight against Vearn. 

Leona: But- 

(Y/N): You can do it! You're part of Team (Y/N) you know. 

Leona: Well, I'm not letting the future King of Papnica out of my sights! 

(Y/N): Heh, once this is over, I'm going to take you out on the best date you can ever have! 

Leona: I know you will. 

You both hugged and kissed each other. 


Popp was thinking to himself. 

Popp: I can't have any doubts. Everyone is depending on me. I- 

???: Popp. 

Popp: Huh? 

Merle approached him. 

Popp: Merle, what are you- 

Merle: I couldn't help but notice that last night you were pushing yourself hard during your training. 

Popp: Yeah, I can't slag behind on everyone. A mage is supposed to support the party when things are getting tough. And well ... I kind of got in the way in the past with everything. 

Merle blushed while looking at him. 

Merle: Should I tell him now? Or- 

Popp: You okay Merle? 

Merle: Oh ... y-yeah. I'm just fine. Idiot! Just tell him! 

Popp: Merle, do you ... love me? 

Merle: Ah! Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What?! I-I-I-I-I- 

She was turning completely red. 

Popp: HEY! Come on, I didn't mean to get you startled, I was just wondering considering that you're always sticking alongside me, and you're a really nice girl, and- Oh crap, now this is going to be bugging me throughout the whole fight. Now what do I do? 

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