Blake vs. Tai!/Erza vs. Anastasia!

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Blake heard enemies approaching. 

Blake: They're coming in closer. 

Kagura: You can tell? 

Blake: My hearing is much more adept than most others. 

Tai emerged from the shadows and stood in front of the group. 

Tai: Looks like I finally found the Knight, the Samurai, and the lost kittens. 

Blake: Hmph. 

Millianna just hissed at him. 

Kagura: You do realize it's four against one, right? It would be a big mistake for you to challenge us. 

Tai: You are correct. That is why- 

???: I am joining in too. 

Anastasia joined in. 

Millianna: AH! That's the girl! 

Kagura: She took control of us. 

Erza: WHAT?! 

Blake: Uh oh. She's mad. Looks like we better leave this to Erza. 

Tai: Anastasia is not to be underestimated. She's one of the strongest members of Pandemonium. 

Erza: Is that so? In that case, let's see what you can do. 

Anastasia: Erza Scarlet, the Titania, strongest female of Fairy Tail, also the Guild's 7th Master, and the Daughter of the Dragon Queen. 

Erza: You know about my Mother? 

Anastasia: The invasion of the Alvarez Empire is old news at this point. Irene Belserion was a powerful warrior. It will take a while to get her corpse set up too. 

Erza: What are you going to- 

Anastasia: Having her under our control will be so much fun. To bring everyone to their knees. 

Erza gritted her teeth. 

Erza: You make me sick. Playing around with the dead like that. She- 

Anastasia: The biggest mistake she ever made, was throwing her life away for you. 

Erza: SHUT UP! 

Erza requipped into- 

Erza requipped into- 

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Armadura Fairy Armor

Anastasia: Ah yes, the Armadura Fairy Armor. 

Erza: You do realize that this is one of my strongest armors, right? 

Anastasia: Of course I do. And I will still crush you no matter what.

Erza: That won't stop me! FAIRY BURST! 

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