Return after 5 Years!

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In the Imperial Year 1185, half a decade has passed since Edelgard became Emperor, and yet now the Kingdom of Faerghus has allied with the Church of Seiros. 

Luckily, Garreg Mach now belonged to the good guys. 

The Alliance has sided with the Empire though. And now Edeglard has established the Black Eagle Strike Force. Which focuses on the fight against the Church. 

(Y/N): Huh?! What happened? 

You awoke, as Team RWBY were with you, and so was Byleth. 

Villager: Hey, how are you all doing? 

Byleth: What happened? 

Villager: I found you all floating down the river. Garreg Mach is nearby. But it's abandoned. 

Ruby: Wait ... no Church of Seiros? 

Villager: No. No one has been around for five years. 

Weiss: WHAT?! 

Blake: We were out for five years?! 

Villager: It's been five years since the monastery fell, that's right. 

(Y/N): OH CRAP! We have to go! 

And so... 

You guys returned to the Monastery. 

(Y/N): I can't believe it. 

Ruby: Rhea must have did a number on us. 

Yang: Hey, at least we're alive! 

???: Is that- MY PROFESSORS! 

Edelgard appeared. 

Everyone: EDELGARD! 

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Everyone: EDELGARD! 

She hugged all of you! 

Edelgard: I can't believe it! My teachers, where have you been? 

Weiss: Unconscious. 

Edelgard: This is no time for- Wait ... you're serious right? 

(Y/N): Rhea really is a strong one. Geez. I can't even remember most of what happened. 

Edelgard: It's alright. Welcome back, my teachers. I am so happy to see you alright. It felt like an eternity. Now then, it's up to us. 

Ruby: To take down the Church! 

Blake: To strike down Rhea, the Immaculate One. 

(Y/N): Take back Fodlan! 

Edelgard: Wonderful. Now, a few things you should know. Dimitri is now the King of Faerghus, and he is dead set on destroying us. 

Ruby: I can't believe it. 

Yang: That moron! Has he learned nothing? 

(Y/N): He's let revenge control his mind. (Sigh) He was such a good comrade to us back at the Academy. 

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