Throne of Knowledge!

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Seteth and Rhea were together as they spoke. 

Seteth: Rhea, please talk to me. What are you hiding? What is the meaning of how that one looks? It is almost as though...

Rhea: As I said, there is nothing of which to speak. For now. At the end of this month...

Seteth: I read Jeralt's diary. I happened upon it in his room.

Rhea: What?

Seteth: In it, he stated the reason for his departure. The baby thought to have died in the fire...has returned to us. Jeralt realized that you had done something to the child and decided to flee. What did you do to that baby, Rhea? Nothing...questionable, I should hope?

Rhea: Seteth, enough. They will be here shortly. No more, I beg of you. I will take our dear professor to the Holy Tomb. There...I should be able to see our dearest wishes to fruition. When I was young, I heard her voice there... I'm sure of it.

Byleth then came in. 

Byleth: Hello Lady Rhea. 

Rhea: I have been awaiting your arrival, Professor. Now that you have received sacred power from the goddess, there is somewhere you must pay a visit to at once. You must go to the Holy Tomb so that you may receive a divine revelation from the goddess. 

Byleth: A revelation? 

Seteth: The Holy Tomb is where the goddess sleeps. This monastery was originally built for the purpose of protecting that hallowed temple.Rhea: Only a select few know of it, but there is a legend about Seiros and the Holy Tomb. Saint Seiros, the first soul to be gifted power from the goddess, received her revelation there. She was told it was her sacred duty to save the people of Fódlan, and that she must use her power wisely in order to lead them. The words that were handed down to Seiros from the goddess will likely fall upon your ears as well.

Seteth: Prepare yourself to go at once. There, may you find out why you were blessed with such power.

Rhea: There will be a ceremony at the Holy Tomb. It is then that you will receive the goddess's revelation. You may share this mission with your students.

Byleth: After all that has happened? 

Rhea: It is said that when Seiros received the revelation, she had holy warriors by her side, protecting her. Your students, who have followed you and fought alongside you through the darkest of times, are well suited to stand by you for the ceremony. Of course, as the leader of the Church of Seiros, I will be by your side as well.

Byleth: Don't you think that's a bit too dangerous though? 

Rhea: Even if something were to happen, I am more than capable of protecting myself.

Seteth: Much has changed, but your duty has not wavered. Steel your mind for the ceremony, and prepare your students well.


(Y/N): Hey Edelgard, are you really going? 

Edelgard: Yes. I'm going to the Imperial Capital, but I shall be back in time for the ceremony at the Holy Tomb. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... why don't I come with you then? 

Edelgard: You would come? 

(Y/N): Yes. I want to see what happens. 

Edelgard: Very well. Let's go. 

At the Imperial Palace... 

You both met with the Emperor. 

Edelgard: Father, forgive me for asking this of you. I know how much pain you're in--how the burden of the throne weighs heavily on you--and so--

Emperor Ionius IX: There is no need to apologize, Edelgard. You must know... (coughs) that I do not have much time left in this world. The time has come. (coughs)

Edelgard: Thank you, Father. Now, to complete the Imperial succession, you must relinquish your crown here in the throne room. The archbishop of the Church of Seiros would normally act as witness, but my professor will fill that role instead.

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