(Y/N) in the Underground!

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A long time ago, before today's age, there lived two races, humans, and monsters. 

One day, both of them broke out in a war. In the end, after a very long and strenuous battle, the humans were victorious. The monsters were sealed underneath the planet with a magic spell. 

As many years have passed by, it seems that those who climb Mt. Ebott, nearby are said to never return. 

You had recently read about those stories in the libraries in Beacon, and well- 

(Y/N): Hmm .... can this really be true? I better go check this out for myself. 


You set out by yourself into the forest, and find the big mountain. 

(Y/N): After all that the girls and I have dealt with, this should be easy. I mean, this is no Dark Army, no CP0, and certainly no Malos. 

Inside of the mountain, you found a dark cave, and used your fire powers to light the way. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... what's in here? I hope nothing to- 

But then you tripped on a tree root, and- 

(Y/N): WAGH! 

You ended up falling down a big hole! 


You fall so far down, that you end up on- 

(Y/N): Flowers? 

A bed of yellow flowers was there, and up from where you looked was a big hole. 

(Y/N): It seems that I fell pretty far. Hmm ... where is this? 

You set off to investigate. Only to find a flower. 

(Y/N): A flower? What am I- 

???: Howdy! 

(Y/N): AGH! 

The flower began to speak! 

Flowey (Voiced by Alex Hirsch!) 

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Flowey (Voiced by Alex Hirsch!) 

Flower: You're new to the Underground, aren'tcha? 

(Y/N): Yeah. I- 

Flower: Yu must be so confused. Hmm ... you need a guide. 

(Y/N): That I do. Mr. Flower. 

Flowey: Oh, my name is Flowey! 

(Y/N): Right, nice to meet you Flowey! 

Flowey: Now listen up Kid, this is going to be critical! Your soul is the literal culmination of your being! Once you start killing monsters, you'll be prepped and ready to go! 

(Y/N): Monsters? 

Flowey: Yeah! You got to watch out. They can be ruthless. You know, dangerous, bloodthirsty, I can name a bunch of things. 

(Y/N): Okay. I can fight pretty well you know. So that's great to hear. So, do I pick you up or something? 

Flowey: Yeah, just come closer, and pick me up. 

(Y/N): Got it! 

You go right up to Flowey, only for- 

(Y/N): AGH! 

He hit you with so many pellets, which hurt like hell! 


Flowey's face changed into a demonic like grin! 


He tried to attack you again as you got up to burn him to pieces, only for- 


He was knocked to the side by a motherly figure. 

???: What a miserable and nasty creature, torturing a poor innocent youth. 

(Y/N): Huh? 

???: It is alright my child. I am here for you. 

(Y/N): This woman, she seems so ... motherly! She reminds me of- 

You began to remember your own mother, and almost saw her. 

(Y/N)'s Mom: (Y/N), Sweetie, it's time for bed. I'll sing you your favorite lullaby. 

You snap back to reality as you looked at the woman. 

Toriel (Guardian of the Ruins! Voiced by Jessica Strauss!) 

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Toriel (Guardian of the Ruins! Voiced by Jessica Strauss!) 

(Y/N): Who are you? 

Toriel: I am Toriel, Guardian of the Ruins. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. I must say my child, you're the first human who has come down here in a long time. 

(Y/N): You don't say. Do you think you can lend me a hand? 

Toriel: Of course, here follow me. 

(Y/N): Right, thanks Toriel. 

You followed her through the ruins, not knowing that this would be one of the best adventures that you ever have in your entire life! 

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