Into the Skull Egg Zone! (Part 2!!)

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The rundown was given, and it was clear what had to be done. 

(Y/N): We got to save Dr. Light and stop those old bastards! 

Ruby: Yeah! How could they do that to such a jolly guy like Dr. Light?! 

Weiss: One big word Ruby, jealousy. 

Winter: From what I gathered, that sounds more from Dr. Wily's side. 

Tails: Okay, I think by making the DS together with some of the equipment here, I should be able to create a dimension hole that can take us to where they are. 

(Y/N): Winter, are you sure you want to come with us on this one? You don't have to. 

Winter: Those two senile maniacs turned my little sister into a robot, and captured a fellow commanding officer of the Atlas Military. I have to do this. 

(Y/N): Fair enough. 

Mega Man: I just wish that Proto Man could appear and- 

Then a whistle was heard. 

Proto Man arrived. 

Proto Man: I arrived as fast as I could. 

Sonic: How did he- 

Mega Man: Proto Man! You made it. 

Proto Man: So, Wily is behind this after all. I should have known. 

Weiss: Who's that? 

Mega Man: That's Proto Man, he's my brother. 

(Y/N): A pleasure to meet you Proto Man. I'm (Y/N), those two are Ruby and Weiss, that's Winter. And they're Sonic and Tails. Long story short, but basically- 

You had to tell Proto Man everything fast. 

Proto Man: Bastards. Alright, let's go. 

Mega Man: You really want to help us? 

Proto Man: I'm not usually the one to work with others, but in this case, I have to make an exception. 


Roll: Okay, I'll keep an eye on the lab! Good luck you guys! 

Mega Man: Rush! 

Rush appeared in ... a rush. 



(Y/N): Great! Let's go save Dr. Light! 

Everyone: YEAH! 

You all jumped into the portal... and ... 

It seemed like a bunch of mushrooms, and various other objects were passing through you guys. 

And then you guys ended up in a very stange zone which looked like a bunch of ruins, Green Hill Zone, Chemical Plant, and a bunch of other places you guys have been to mashed up together. 

Winter: What is this? 

(Y/N): Eggman and Wily have lousy taste. 

Sonic: I'll say. 

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