Explore Chronopolis!

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Everyone had gathered back at the Avengers Base, and well- 

(Y/N): Hey everybody! 

Captain America: Welcome back Son. 

Thor: Ah, Young (L/N), how fare thee, fellow warrior? 

(Y/N): Just good Thor. So, did anyone notice the fact that there were knights riding on horseback? 

Ruby: We noticed. Oh, this is Captain Marvel. 

(Y/N): A pleasure, Ma'am. 

Carol: Please, I prefer to be called Carol. 

Kamala: Oh .... my ... God. 

(Y/N): Kamala, can we please not- 


She went right up to her idol. 

(Y/N): Carol ... meet Kamala Khan, AKA, Ms. Marvel. 

Carol: Oh, is that so? Carol Danvers. 

Kamala: Hi, I'm Kamala Khan, but I'm also known as Ms. Marvel, you know I've always dreamed of meeting you, and I know that this is- 

Yang: Where did you find Fangirl? 

(Y/N): Long story, but she's cute. So then, any news on what's going on? There was a giant sword ship in the sky. 

???: Long story indeed. 

You saw- 

(Y/N): Who let the raccoon and the tree in here? 


Groot: I AM GROOT! 

(Y/N): Huh? 

Rocket: Groot, we don't call strangers that. 

(Y/N): Seriously, who are you guys? 

Star-Lord: Surely, you've heard of the famous outlaw, Star-Lord. 

(Y/N): Who? 

Star-Lord: Yeah, didn't expect that. 

Gamora: Just ignore him. We're the Guardians of the Galaxy. And that belongs to Kang the Conqueror. He's an dangerous time traveler who has been conquering timelines. 

A message came up on screen. 

Kang: Greetings my new subjects. I am the Mighty Kang. Ruler of Chronopolis. I have teleported your city to my majestic utopia for you to be part of my collection. Just follow my orders, and nothing bad will occur to you. Alright? Good. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 

(Y/N): Story of my life, stopping crazy villains who want to conqueror and/or destroy everything. A hero's job. Hey, is there anyone who knows about dimension hopping in your universe? 

Iron Man: Yeah, his name is Dr. Strange. He's the Sorceror Supreme. 

???: Did someone call my name. 

A man came through a portal. 


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