Free Our Friends!

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The Yang Bot began to attack with different elemental punches, and also moved pretty fast! 


Ruby: SIS! WAKE UP! 

Not only that, but the Crocodile, Bee, and Chameleon Robots were also attacking fast! 

Weiss: Who are these three? 

Tails: Those are the Chaotix! They're detectives! 

Weiss: Detectives? 

Winter: Sonic, your friends are interesting. 

Sonic: I don't even know how to take that comment. 

They all began to dodge bee stings, shurikens, and well punches! 

(Y/N): There's got to be a way to stun them fast enough! 

Tails: I think I got it! Hey Mega Man, I need you for a second. 

Mega Man: What is it? 

Tails: Let's see your arm cannon. 

Tails began to get to work on it. 

(Y/N): We'll need to buy some time then! HEY RUSH! 

Rush activated Rush Jet, and you hopped on. 

(Y/N): I'll handle Yang! 

The Yang Robot began to attack with more punches, only for you to couter with an Armanent Haki punch, and knock her back! 

(Y/N): Heh, I wonder if these can punch through Orichalcum? Yet again, Yang and Maam were able to beat Albinass, and she was made out of Orichalcum. 

You started to punch away over and over, until- 

Mega Man: Tag in! 

Mega Man fired a charged shot which looked like a Sonic Spindash, and it hit Yang turning her back to normal! 

Yang: HUH?! What in the? 

(Y/N): Yang! 

Yang: What's up? 

(Y/N): Long story, Wily and Eggman- 


(Y/N): Love the enthusiasm, though- 

Winter and Sonic: A LITTLE HELP! 

Sonic was being smashed by the Crocodile Robot, and Winter was stung by the bee! 

Not to mention, the chameleon was going to attack Ruby from behind! 

Yang: HA! 

Yang punched the Chameleon Robot and then Mega Man blasted it! 

Then Ruby sped by and knocked the other two right into Mega Man's sights to get blasted, and- 

???: Man, that was something. 

???2: I've been shamed. 

???3: Hey, why am I stuck? 

???3: Hey, why am I stuck? 

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