Ghost Fight!/Leaving the Ruins!

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You walked along with Toriel, as you kept seeing more and more of your mother in her. 

Toriel: You must be careful my child. The ruins have many puzzles that you must be careful of. 

(Y/N): Right. Got it. 

She solved a puzzle by stepping on some tiles. 

And then a door opened, allowing you both to go in. 

Along the way, some monsters try to approach you, only for Toriel to give them the glare, and they leave. 

(Y/N): How did you- 

Toriel: It is alright my Child, I promise that no harm will come to you. 


You were being bullied by some bratty kids. 


Underling: YEAH! What a loser! 

Underling 2: SURE IS! 


But then the three of them froze up as your mother appeared. 

(Y/N)'s Mother: HAVE YOU BOYS NO SHAME! Picking on another just because of your own insecurities?! You three should think about what you did! 

Bully: AGH! Uh ... we just- 

(Y/N)'s Mother: I'll have to call your parents, and you'll be in big trouble. 

Bullies: WE'RE SORRY! 

They ran off. 

(Y/N): M-Mom. I ... I ... I'm sorry I'm so weak! I- 

(Y/N)'s Mother: It's alright my son, I promise that no harm will come to you. 

End of Flashback... 

(Y/N): Toriel, I appreciate what you're doing for me. But I can fend for myself. 

Toriel: I ... see ... alright my child. I promise to give you some independence. But just in case- 

She gives you her phone number. 

Toriel: I'll call you just in case. 

(Y/N): Okay! 

You both parted ways as you continued to move on your way. 

Along the way... 

You ran into some friendly frog monsters, and some firefly-looking ones, and they gave you some advice to be wary of the more threatening-looking monsters who will try to hurt you. 

(Y/N): Thanks! 

And then after a while, you saw a ghost on the ground. 

(Y/N): A ghost? 

It appeared to be asleep. 

(Y/N): Guess I'll have to move him. 


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