Rumors of a Reaper!

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Rhea once again summoned you six. 

Rhea: As I believe you are already aware, Seteth's younger sister, Flayn, has gone missing. At present, all we know for certain is that she has not left Garreg Mach.

Seteth: Flayn is not the type of person to just wander off on her own without telling me where she is going! We have searched the monastery thoroughly, but have found nothing. I am now mobilizing the knights to begin searching the town. Troubling rumors have been running rampant lately. I do not wish to consider the worst, but...

(Y/N): What are the troubling rumors? 

Rhea: There are rumors of someone prowling the streets and attacking innocents, night after night. The knights have investigated the matter. They have not discovered any remains, nor have they found any concrete evidence.

Seteth: The people are panicked! They all insist someone called the Death Knight is coming to claim their souls with his blade. There is no way she could have escaped unscathed if she were captured by such a fiend! Where is she?!

Rhea: Seteth, recall that impatience begets error. Please do your best to calm yourself. I think of your...sister as family as well. You know that. You have my support. We will devote ourselves fully–mind, body, and soul–to recovering her. Professors. Your mission for this month is to help find Flayn. The knights have the town covered, so I ask that you focus your efforts on searching the monastery again. We do not have time to waste. You have your orders.

Team (Y/N): Understood, Lady Rhea. 

With that... 

All of your students were informed about what's going on. 

Hubert: This is most unsettling. 

Edelgard: It doesn't seem likely that she's simply gotten lot.

Ferdinand: So, our mission this month is to find her? Well then, let us hurry and locate her before anyone else!

Bernadetta: I hope Flayn is OK! What would happen if... Just what would we do if...

Dorothea: You can't think like that, Bern. Seteth would have a heart attack if he heard you.

Linhardt: I've heard that she has a Crest, but I suppose, for this moment, that is irrelevant.

Sylvain: This should be a cinch! 

Chasing after girls is my specialty.

Ingrid: Sylvain... Even you must agree that now isn't the time for jokes.

Annette: I hope Flayn is OK. I've heard rumors about some Death Knight running around town...

Felix: Sounds intriguing. I had been hoping to cross blades with him.

Ingrid: Felix! Please consider how Seteth must be feeling right now.

Raphael: Who was she again? 

Leonie: Seteth's little sister. 

Raphael: Oh yeah! 

Hilda: He's always looking out for her. He must be worried sick. If I were to go missing, I can't imagine what that would do to my brother.

Blake: We should start by looking around the monastery first. Is everyone ready? 

They all nodded. 

Byleth: Great. Let's go. 


You guys noticed that Manuela was nowhere to be seen around the monastery. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... something is up. 

You then went to see Shamir. 

(Y/N): Shamir. 

Shamir: Oh, hello (Y/N). Is there something you need? 

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