Byleth Gets More Love!

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Byleth continued to teach her classes as nothing major happened. Though her relationship with Edelgard was getting much stronger and sweeter!

Byleth: El?

Edelgard: Yes?

Byleth: You feel like getting up?

The two were snuggling up together in bed.

Edelgard: No ... not really.

Byleth: Okay. A few more minutes, and then we get up.

They were being watched by both Dorothea and Mercedes.

Dorothea: (Sigh) Those two look so sweet together.

Mercedes: The Professor is so lucky. Edelgard is such a beautiful woman.

The two sigh, admiring their teacher, when-

Byleth: (yawning) Is ... someone there?

Edelgard: I ... don't know. I guess there might be-

They then notice Dorothea and Mercedes who both get nervous and try to hide, but-

Byleth: Dorothea? Mercedes?

Mercedes: H-Hello Professor.

Dorothea: What a lovely morning it is! Maybe we should-

Byleth: If you both have something to say, then say it. It's okay.

Dorothea: R-Really?

Mercedes: You'll listen to us?

Byleth: Of course.

Edelgard: You can talk to your fellow classmate and friend. As well as one of our teachers.

The two went over, and they blushed hard.

Dorothea: The thing is ... well-

Mercedes: W-W-W-W-We really l-l-l-l-l-l-love ... y-y-y-y-you.

Byleth: Oh! Is that all?

Dorothea: Huh?

Mercedes: You're taking this fine?

Edelgard: It's not that hard to see considering how you're acting.

Dorothea: So, then you don't mind if we-

Edelgard and Byleth: Of course not!

Mercedes: The four of us?

Byleth: And (Y/N) too of course!

Edelgard: I would do anything for both of my loves.

Dorothea and Mercedes blushed and smiled brightly! And soon-

They join in, and they start making out with each other.

Byleth: Oh ... my. Both of you are really good kissers! Ah-

She felt a lick in her ears.

Dorothea: I've been waiting for this for such a long time!

Mercedes: (blushing) Dorothea! That was so ... so ... d-daring.

Dorothea: When you have so much going on in your mind, things happen.

Byleth: That felt very lovely.

Edelgard: Mercedes, it's okay if you want to join in too.

Mercedes: B-But-But- I-

Byleth: Really, it's okay.

Mercedes blushed and then-

Edelgard: AH!

Byleth: WHAT ARE-

She was rubbing and licking their feet.

Mercedes: I- I'm sorry. I guess I-

Dorothea: Actually let me join in!

The two start going to town on both of their feet, and then they go for-

Byleth and Edelgard: W-Watch the breasts!

This was going on for quite a while, and then-

Mercedes and Dorothea: OH!! OH!!

Byleth: Class isn't out of session yet.

Edelgard: Pay attention alright?

Yep, it was a fun four-way alright.

Byleth now had two more girls!

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