Our First Job!!

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You guys had finished with training to develop your magic, and now-

(Y/N): Okay! Let's do a job!

Yang: Yeah! Let's do an S-Class Job!

Erza: What? No!

Yang: Oh come on, Red! We got what it takes.

Erza: But none of you are S-Class Wizards.

Ruby: Can we do it if an S-Class Wizard comes with us?

Erza: Yes.

(Y/N): Then you should come with us! You are an S-Class Wizard.

Erza: Hmm ... that depends on what exactly the job you want is.

Ruby: Oh! I'll go see if the others want to come!

Weiss: Ruby, you do realize that you're asking two idiots who constantly argue with each other to come with us right?

Ruby: What's the matter? I think it's funny!

Yang: You said it Ruby! Man, I will not get tired of seeing that.

(Y/N): And Erza will keep them in line anyway.

Blake: That is true.

With that...

You all, along with Erza looked at the Request Board.

(Y/N): Oh this one looks good!

Erza: It says, "Explore the Dangerous Labrinyth, and retrieve all of the treasures inside."

Yang: Now that sounds like a challenge!

Blake: It could be a good test of our new skills too.

Erza: I don't have any complaints. I'll get ready.

(Y/N): Great!

With that...

All of Team Natsu was informed of what the job was.


Lucy: Uh ... wait ... as in a dark and spooky labyrinth?

Happy: You scared, Lucy?

Lucy: N-No!! Of course not. I-

Happy: Then why are your legs shaking?


Wendy: How deep is it?

(Y/N): What does it matter Wendy? We just got to go in and collect what we can find! Besides, you're safe with all of us.

You pat her on the head, and she smiled, and hugged you.

Wendy: Thank you (Y/N)!

Ruby: AWWWWWW! She's so adorable!!

Yang: She's definitely that little sister, you'd do anything to protect.

Carla: She's like that with everyone here to be honest. Still a child.

Weiss: Didn't she find you first?

Carla: W-Well ... yes ... but I-

Happy: Hey! Even if that is true, I'd say Carla did a good job looking after Wendy!

Weiss: And you and Natsu?

Happy: Someone has to make sure he doesn't keel over from motion sickness.

(Y/N): Motion sickness?

You looked at Natsu.

Natsu: Hey! It's not just me! Okay? (Shivering) Getting in any mode of transportation hurts my stomach.

Wendy: Yeah, that happens to me too.

(Y/N): What about Gajeel?

Natsu and Wendy: Yes.


Gray: Any other objections to throw out?

Everyone: No, b- GRAY!!

Gray: What is I- AGH!!

He unknowingly had stripped his clothes.

Weiss: Glad I haven't picked that up.

With that... the whole group set off...

(Y/N): So, who exactly is the one who sent the request anyway?

Erza: It was the Queen herself.

Ruby: WOAH!! Your Queen?

Lucy: I can't believe it, why would she send out the request?

Weiss: Obviously because there's a lot more going down in this labyrinth. What else do you think?

(Y/N): So, she reached out to the strongest guild, because of the dangers down there. Fitting! Let's meet her then!

Next stop would be Crocus, the Capital of the Kingdom of Fiore!

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