Happy Birthday (Y/N)!

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With the battle finally over, you guys all returned home, and soon you found out- 

(Y/N): Wait ... is today- 

Ruby: It's your birthday (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): I can't believe this! I became a teacher, and now I've turned 19! WOW! 

Blake: What should we do- 

(Y/N): I wonder if, we missed out on- 

???: Ah, (Y/N), just the man I was looking for. 

Ozpin appeared. 

(Y/N): Professor Ozpin? 

Ozpin: Right this way, my friend. We have a lot to discuss about. 

(Y/N): About what? 


Soon enough, nearly everyone you guys had met on your adventures appeared to greet you guys! 

Ruby: WOW! 



(Y/N): I seriously cannot believe this! This is just- 

Peach then appeared. 

Peach: Oh (Y/N), I baked you something very special! Boys, bring it in! 

A bunch of Toads come in with the cake! 

It was as tall as a skyscraper, and it had layers of different flavors, including ice cream, and brownies, and well, you were at the top, and it turned out to be a chocolate/caramel/custard mold of yourself! 

(Y/N): Everyone ... thank you so much! This means a lot to me! 

Ozpin: Well, let's all enjoy everyone. To the Hero himself. 

Everyone: TO (Y/N)! 

You smiled with a tear coming out of your eye. 

(Y/N): This means a lot. Thank you. Thank you so much. 

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