Teaming up with Risky!

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You guys brought Shantae back home.

Shantae: I don't want them to cut my hair off all things! It's the last thing I got left.

(Y/N): Shantae! Cheer up! You got us!

Blake: We're here for you, Shantae.

Ruby: And you got Mimic, Sky, Bolo, and Rotty too!

Yang: I think you need a nice hot bath! Like that one over there. Sink or swim, eh?

Weiss: That wasn't even close to a laugh.

Shantae: Thanks you guys.

With that...

You all get in the bathtub and begin to relax. However, Shantae realizes something!

Shantae: Wait .... I DON'T OWN A BATHTUB!!!

(Y/N): WHAT?!

Ruby: Then how did it get here?!

Shantae: I do-

A giant claw appeared and trapped you guys in it!

???: OHOHOHOHOHOHO! I got you all right where I want you!

Risky then appeared.


Risky: In the flesh.

(Y/N): You troublemaking wench! What do you want?

Risky: Simple. What have you runts done to my weapons and my crew?

Ruby: Huh?

Blake: We haven't even taken anything from you!

Shantae: And why us?


(Y/N): We're not petty.

Risky: Fine! If you want proof, then I'll show you!

She dragged you guys to Mimic's workshop...


Yang: That's one of-

One of Risky's Tinkerbats was locked inside of a glass case.

(Y/N): What's he doing there?!

Risky: Now you see?

Shantae: There has to be an explanation for all of this!

Risky: Ha! I- HUH?!

Some dark magic appeared and possessed the Tinkerbat!

Risky: LOOK OUT!

She got you guys out as the Tinkerbat transformed into a monster and attacked!

Everyone: HUH?!

Risky: That's A Cacklebat! Quick! Take it out!

(Y/N): Gladly!

You knocked it out with one Armament Haki  punch!

And it then turned into dark magic, and Risky uses the lamp she used to take Shantae's magic and sucked it in!

Risky: This is bad.

Shantae: Risky? What are you talking about?

Risky: The Pirate Master is back.

(Y/N): Who's the Pirate Master?

Risky: He was the scourge of the seas back then. A monster. The genies used all their magic to seal him away, though this cost them their time here.

Ruby: And he's back? Just how powerful is he?

Risky: Very powerful. Look, I know we haven't had the best encounters ... but-

(Y/N): Okay! Let's work together then!

Girls: WHAT?!

Yang: (Y/N)! She took Shantae's magic! Why should we trust her?!

(Y/N): Because she knows what she's talking about.

Shantae: Why don't we tell Uncle Mimic and-

Risky: No! No one else should get involved!

(Y/N): Well ... first we should deal with that Court Summons!


You guys reached the palace; and met the librarian, who informed you guys that the Sultana was on vacation at the moment. He felt bad for seeing Shantae, and knowing she'd have her hair cut, he got rid of it!

Shantae: What a nice guy he was.

Ruby: Yeah! We need more people like him!

Blake: Agreed. But ... (Y/N), we shouldn't trust Risky. You know what she is capable of, right?

(Y/N): Yeah. I don't trust her either. But, if she really knows about the Pirate Master, then we'll need her help to stop him!

Girls: Right.

(Y/N): Besides, I got you girls with me!


With that...

You guys found Risky by the Tinkertub.

Weiss: So, this is your new ship? It looks run down.

Risky: Because you beats destroyed it before!

Weiss: It's justice for your crimes.

Risky growled at Weiss.

Weiss: I can't believe we're working with her of all people.

(Y/N): Weiss.

Weiss: I know! But ... hang on.

Risky: What now?

Weiss: I have to strangle an idiot.

(Y/N): Go on.

Ruby: What idiot?

Yang: The stupid mayor; who else?

Ruby: Oh! Yeah! Oh! Can I join in strangling Ammo Baron?

Weiss: Gladly.

Risky: Well hurry it up. We have to go to Saliva Island soon.

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