Chapter 13

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Meng Huan looked like she admired him extremely and was eager to have sex with him.

But he was betting on whether Lin Bozhou would really touch him.

Lin Bozhou's arrogance is obvious to all in the book. He once said:

"In this half of my life, I am the best at bending the unyielding spine, smashing the hard white jade, dirtying the clear water, making people who hate me kneel down, and arrogant people surrendering, but I don't like to force others to like me."

This is his arrogance. Everyone deeply hates him, and he also deeply hates others in his heart. Only the strong deserved his look, the submissive did not deserve it at all.

Meng Huan, who played the role of a submissive, waited quietly after finishing speaking, feeling an unspeakable tension on his back, and looked at Lin Bozhou.

Lin Bozhou's eyes reflected the firelight like dark blood. After a while, he raised his finger and gently leaned on Meng Huan's forehead: "Liar."

"Huh?" Meng Huan tilted her head when he poked her.

Lin Bozhou poked again: "I said he was a liar."

Meng Huan: "..."

The very low voice caused slight ripples, leaving Meng Huan stunned for a moment.

"Treating others to be fools? Playing a script?" Lin Bozhou motioned to the left and right, "If you don't want to stay with me, go back to bed. Someone, please hold the lamp."


The servant came in and waited.

Meng Huan suddenly relaxed after understanding that Lin Bozhou would not sleep with him. But the tension suddenly disappeared, and there was still a coolness on his forehead from his gentle touch, and a feeling of emptiness surged in his heart.

The sound of "liar" echoed in his ears. Unexpectedly, Lin Bozhou didn't seem to be very angry, but simply felt uninterested.

Of course, Lin Bozhou likes people who are smart, caring about the world, and capable of fighting him. His power is overwhelming, and he is surrounded by people who want to follow his influence. When there is another flattering face around him, there is naturally nothing to attract him.

It seems that the salted fish method is still effective, Meng Huan said in his heart.

But...there is no way to charm Lin Bozhou.

As if being stabbed in the chest by his soft knife, Meng Huan felt a little depressed.

But no matter what, I won tonight.

Meng Huan, holding his little hands behind his back, won the power game for the first time. He put on a serious face and walked back with deep steps.

In the yard, the maids and male servants were cracking melon seeds and guessing: "When do you think the prince and his wife will go to bed tonight?"

"Hehehe, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep. I'll have to wait till dawn!"

"Damn ghost! You just said some dirty words!"

While they were discussing animatedly, they heard a crisp and tender "I'm back!"

Everyone turned around and saw Meng Huan entering the courtyard with his hands behind his back, looking very profound.

Calculating the time, it was not even late at night. He had just left and came back shortly. Apparently, he had not succeeded in sleeping. The maid dropped the melon seed shell: "Madam..."

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