Chapter 80

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In front of you is a stretch of city walls.

The city wall is made of stone, soil and bricks, and is built into a tall square shape. It rises from the plains, forming a series of solid obstacles, stretching from the coast to the mountains in the distance, with a majestic and majestic appearance.

Meng Huan blinked, of course he knew this.

——This is the Great Wall, the Great Wall!

Even though it was a fictional article, something in the blood was awakened.

He looked back at Shan Xing, who was reining in his horse: "...Then what is the merit we want to accomplish?"

"It's at the top of the mountain." Shan Xing urged his horse forward.

The horses slowly walked towards the mountain. There was a sentry post on the top of the mountain, which could overlook the entire Shanhaiguan. However, when they went there, they found that the city tower was dilapidated and the watchtower had been washed away by the rain.

"I see." Meng Huan nodded clearly, "There was no one in the watchtower. Was it possible for the prince's troops to escape the surveillance on the tower last night and successfully enter the city?"

Yamayuki: "Yes."

Meng Huan's back felt cold, and he couldn't help but asked: "What if it was not the prince's army that entered the city last night, but the enemy army?"

Will they also get into town so smoothly?

I dare not continue to think about it.

Shan Xing smiled bitterly: "Yes, Mao Chengchang thought that Zhu Lizhen's cavalry was still far away, but he didn't rush to build the trench because it was damaged. If Zhu Lizhen's cavalry comes here in the next few days, wouldn't our city gate be captured?"

"indeed so."

Meng Huan put his feet up and looked further in the direction.

In ancient times, the main purpose of war was to conquer the city. The most important defense facilities of a city were moats, trenches, battlements, pavilions, and side walls. Each repair required a large number of soldiers and farmers, as well as a large amount of material and financial resources. .

The battle was very brutal. The moat was deep. When there was water, it was filled with spikes. When there was no water, the bottom of the pit was filled with spikes. To attack the city, you could only use the corpses of soldiers and farmers to fill the river. After filling it, you would have ladders and battering rams. Only siege equipment can pass.

One general succeeds, and all bones wither.

The breeze blew Meng Huan's hair away, revealing a fair and plump forehead. He looked at the entire city gate in the wilderness, with strange and complicated emotions in his eyes.

I used to feel that the war was far away from me, but now I find that it is so close to me.

"The Great Wall was built to resist the group of foreigners on horseback," Shan Xing said. "Now the battlements and side walls everywhere are in tatters and in great danger. It's simply shocking."

Meng Huan understood what he should do: "Then should we build city defenses immediately?"

Yamayuki: "Yes."

Meng Huan: "Okay, I've come in handy."

He put aside the easel, picked up the pen holder, and took a deep breath.

Then, he drew all the city walls and mountains he saw on the top of the mountain and made a map of the city. He marked the damaged city walls and handed them to Shanxing after making sure that every part was recorded.

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