Chapter 88

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Going out from the city gate is a sunken valley surrounded by mountains and tall trees. Among the dense branches and leaves, if you don't lower your head while riding a horse, your face will be cut bloody by the branches.

"Six continuous mountains form a valley, and the terrain is deep and steep. If the cavalry is led into the valley and blocks the way, they can set up artillery and rocks on the top of the mountain to disrupt the opponent's formation and fight again."

Zhu Dongnian muttered something.

Meng Huan scanned the surrounding mountains and tightened the reins. On the rainy day, he did not take out the map for comparison, but he was very familiar with the mountains in his heart. He listened to Zhu Dong's analysis as if nothing was wrong.

He understood it all. Meng Huan changed a path and walked to the top of the mountain. The rainwater penetrated along the raincoat and made wet traces on his ears and neck. His hair was almost wet, but the clothes he wore were somewhat dry and stuck to his body.

Meng Huan looked at the bottom of the mountain and said.

"It looks like a pot here."

It is towering on all sides, only the outside of the city gate is relatively flat, and the city tower is tightly closed. It really looks like a kettle with the opening closed, or a fish basket.

"Yes," Zhu Dong said, "if the cavalry enters this plain, they will never be able to escape. We now need to find if there is any leakage in the 'kettle', so as not to close the door and beat the dogs. They have people coming in to support. You can still run out."

Zhu Dong is a strategist, and the more he talks, the more excited he becomes: "Look, as long as we guard the entrance of the valley, they won't be able to escape after they come in. If we close the door and beat the dogs, a lot of them will definitely die!"

Meng Huan put his feet up and looked down.

The ground is slippery, and when you grind it down, gravel falls into the deep valley, making a thumping sound.

Because of the heavy rain, Meng Huan's forehead was wet, and his black hair stuck to his white ears and neck. It was hard to tell whether it was sweat or rain, but his eyes were dark and bright as he looked down the mountain.

He tried to ask: "So, will this be Zhu Lizhen's attack route?"

"It's possible." Zhu Dong said.

Meng Huan's fingertips followed a mountain line and tended to overlap, "Then this is the reinforcement route. If we hold the valley entrance and prevent the enemy from passing, the enemy will become a lonely army."

Without reinforcements, the initial siege army will be in dire straits and all will be strangled.

"This is their escape route," Meng Huan continued to point. "If we hold on to the entrance of the valley, their formation will be completely chaotic when they escape, and if they are bombarded with heavy artillery from the top of the mountain, they will be caught off guard and a lot of them will die."

Zhu Dong's eyes also darkened.

"For the cavalry, this place is a gate of hell. It is so wise for the prince to choose this city. I am not as good as the prince."


The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Meng Huan pressed his fingers on his hat and looked at the foot of the mountain with his dark eyes. Suddenly a light came into his mind: "Then what if there is a path that we didn't discover and we forgot to set up defenses? When the time comes to fight, will the enemy troops rush in from the alley and change the situation of the battle?"

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