Chapter 1.

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I place the flowers down softly and I sit down quietly.
Hey mom. I missed you. Long time since we've talked huh? I know, sorry I've been busy. Work hasn't been great, but you know how it is, I need the money for my apartment. How you doing, mommy?
I pause swallowing the lump forming in my throught trying not to cry.
It's been tough, really tough. A.J, my boyfriend, doesn't live with me so I feel alone alot. And it's been 5 years since i've talked to Michael. I miss him
I feel tears streaming down my face
I miss you mom. It's been 4 years since I lost you too. I don't know what to do at this point. I feel so alone. I hope your doing good. Say hi to the big man for me will you? It's been a while since i've prayed too.
I lean over and kiss the stone. I run my fingers over the first couple of words engraved on it. It's says "Rest In Peace Anna Rose Hendricks. Never forgotten. The lord needed one of his most beautiful angels back home..."
Having A.J isn't really helping, he isn't much help at all. It's like he's not even here. I know you listen to me. But it's not the same without you here.
I cried so much. I was only 19 when I lost my mother to cancer. I had little support. Only my bestfriend Marie was there for me at this point in time. My dad walked out when I was 4 and my bestfriend, Michael, and I stopped talking a year before her death.
I gotta run mom. I just stopped by real quick to fix it up, replace the flowers and talk a little. But I should really get to work. I love you. Talk to you soon mom. Bye.
I stood up, promised I would return soon and walked to my car. I drove away tears still in my eyes. But not only because of my mothers death 4 years ago, but also beacuse of the death of my friendship with Michael 5 years ago.


Sad beginnings, sorry. Next chapter will be mostly Michael's thoughts. After that it'll be between both of theyre Poing Of Views. I just wanted to note and you probably already know but for those who don't when I use italics the character is speaking to them selves. ~Love My Fellow Moonwalkers (L.M.F.M)


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