Chapter 77.

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•May 20,1989•

I rummaged through the closet finding nothing.

Frustrated I go to the drawers and throw everything out and still I find nothing.

"Nothing fits!" I yell frustrated.

I'm about to be 24 weeks pregnant and I feel like I grow double my size every single day.

I fall to my knees and exhale loudly, running my fingers through my hair.

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" Michael runs to me.

"I heard yelling, what happened? Are you hurt?"

"No Michael. I'm just fat."

He snorts, folding his lips and tries to hide his laugh in as I sit there staring at him annoyed.

"Michael, it's not funny. Nothing fits, I'm getting too fat. I'm going to have to get everything tailor made just to throw it away in a couple months. What a waste of time and money." I roll my eyes.

"Cait, first of all you aren't even as big as you think you are. The clothes you have are from months ago when you first started showing. I think you've forgotten you've been in sweats, leggings and skirts for the longest. You just haven't gone shopping. You still look beautiful, by the way. And secondly, about the tailoring, the money isn't a problem and you know that."

"Michael, I don't want to use you for your money. We've been through this. But anyways, we're going over to Janet's house and I have nothing to wear!"

"Calm down, it's only Janet, she could care less. Here why don't you just wear an undershirt with one of my shirts over it, you'll look fine."

He hands me one of his silky red shirts and helps me up off the floor.

I wait for him to leave so I can get dressed but he doesn't move, he just stands there, leaning casually against the wall, with his hands in his pocket.

"Well?" He asks with his eyesbrows raised.

"Well what?" I ask, completely confused.

"Aren't you gonna get changed?"

"Aren't you going to leave so that I can?"

"No. You're my wife. I love to watch you."

"But Michael," he stops me before I can go any further.

"I know what you're going to say. I don't want to hear it. I've told you multiple times I think you're beautiful no matter what." he winks causing me to blush.

I begin to take off my shirt with him gently staring at me.

He walks over and helps me into my white tank top then helps me slip on his shirt.

"Thanks." I smile shyly.

"Anything for you." He syas hugging me.

"I love you." He smiles, kissing me deeply, letting all my insecurities melt away.

"I love you more." I smile when we part.

"I'll let you have it this one time. You win."

We smile at each other then he leads me out of the room, downstairs and into the limo.

I haven't seen Janet for a while so I'm glad I get to see her today, I've missed her. And Michael could use some company as well.

We were expecting for it to be only us and Janet but as the limo slowed into the gates, we saw there was already another parked in front of the house.

I looked and Michael and he just shrugged.

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