Chapter 58.

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I poke my head into the room and see Caitlyn is awake, eating some breakfast that I'm guessing the nurse brought to her as I was gone.
She looks up at me giving me a forced smile.

I instantly pick up on her mood.

"Caitlyn, what's wrong?" I say finally stepping into the room entirely.

She sighs letting go of her fork, and looking down at her plate.

"I... I just wanna go home Michael."

I walk over to her staring into her eyes.
For some reason, I feel like there's something else bothering her, but being in the condition she's in, I don't push her any further.

"I know sweetheart, just hang in there." I say, kissing the top of her head.

"I'll try."

"Do you want visitors today?"

"Yes, it'll help me keep my mind off stress, and keep me from going insane by looking at the same four bland walls." She states rolling her eyes.

I giggle at her, then make the calls I have to make to ensure everyone was coming for Cait.

Soon my family was once again piled into the room making Caitlyn laugh that beautiful laugh of hers.

Then Marie walked in and after greeting everyone and getting comfortable with them and them with her, she started to tell stories and memories she shared with Cait.

Cait sat there laughing, smiling, blushing and her eyes filling with tears as Marie said everything from funny memories to embarrassing ones to.. Not so good-sad ones.

As Marie went on I sat down on the couch and thought to myself.

I've missed so much in that time I was gone. We could have had so many more good memories to share if I hadn't left.

I feel a pat on my shoulder and look to see Tito.

"Hey man, you good?" He questions

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?"

"Just wondering." he shrugs then continues.

"Look, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you and Cait have gone through so much negativity in so little time and I want you to know that I know it'll get better man. I'm always here if you need me. No matter what it is, I'm here."

"Wow, Tito. Th-thank you so much." I smile at my brothers support.

"You know I'm always here for you as well. Through everything." I say.

"Michael, I'm serious when I say this, don't let this one go." He says nodding towards Cait.

I look up and see her and everyone else still engaged in conversation.

"Don't even let her slip through your fingers again. She's a keeper. I can tell by the way you look at each other. We can all see it."

"Trust me I won't let that happen. Not this time." I promise.

"Good, I'm proud of you Brother, we all are." He says pulling me into a hug.

And I hear the others agree, I hadn't noticed they were listening to the last parts of our conversation.

"I love you guys, all of you. Even you Marie." I smile and they all tackle me into a big group hug which moves to Cait as we all say our "I love you's" back to one another.

And for the first time in a very long time I felt my family's bond grow just a little stronger and I actually felt all the love we had inside for one another and nobody was hiding it.

Everyone was on the same page. And that page was about Love.


I wanted to make this a sweet chapter let me know what you think Moonwalkies! I hope you all enjoyed this and your day. Always remember:
"Love is my message." -Michael J. Jackson.
I love you all Moonwalkies, next chapter will be up soon. Be ready!!! ~L.M.F.M <3

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