Chapter 10.

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He left. He just left. He walked out and he's never coming back.
I sit in bed thinking what I did wrong and why he won't let me explain.
I bring my knees to my chest and realize I'm still wearing the dress. I groan realizing I have to remove my dress and makeup before going to sleep.
I walk to the bathroom and wash my face with cleanser, removing all the makeup. I then take off my dress and throw it in the corner of the bathroom.
It's dirty anyways. Clean it tomorrow.
I shrug and walk back into my room. I honestly don't feel like searching for clothes to wear to sleep so I just climb into bed wearing only my under garments.
I sigh still thinking about Michael.
Why won't he listen to me?
I could explain it all to him but he just won't listen!
He's not going to. He walked out, he's not coming back, he doesn't love you, he never will. Just Get over it. You always knew he'd never love you, why does that change now?
Because he said he loved me. He kissed me then told me he loved me back.
He probably felt bad for you. I mean, you were crying.
He did it out of guilt, knowing he was the reason you were crying.
I guess that makes sense. But I don't want to lose him. Not again.
You can't lose what was never yours.
But he was mine. Maybe not mine as in my boyfriend. But he was my bestfriend.
Well, that probably all got ruined tonight. He won't have a problem letting go and finding a new bestfriend or a girlfriend. I mean seriously, he's MICHAEL JACKSON.
I know he doesn't love me. I sigh and let tears run down my face. I lay down and pull the covers over my head and fall asleep quickly.

~next day~

*knock knock*
Ugh. Who is that? It's so freaking early... I think.
I glance at the clock next to me.
1:47 P.M. okay so not so early.
But it's Sunday, I always get up late in the afternoon. I close my eyes again and think to myself
Maybe they'll just go away.
*knock knock*
Okay, guess not. Maybe its Marie.
I throw off the covers and sit up with my eyes still closed. I put my hands on my knees then remember I don't have clothes on. Just under garments.
*knock knock*
It's got to be Marie. She's so impatient.
"Hold up a minute! I'll be right there" I yell. Hopefull she heard me.
I walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth and wash my face quickly.
I look up at the mirror and see that my hair is a huge mess.
Oh well. She'll understand.
I turn around and take a look at the clock.
2:05 P.M. I thought we were leaving at 4 today? Oh well.
I grab my robe and put it on but don't bother to tie it closed.
Marie's my bestfriend it doesn't matter. Plus she's seen me in a bathing suit. Same thing I guess. I don't care.
I open the door and look up. I'm suprised at who I see. I can tell you this much: it's not Marie.


Woah guys. Who's at the door if it isn't MC. I think we all know lol. But she's only in a bra and underwear! I mean she has a robe, but it's not even closed! Uh-oh. Have a good day guysss. I hope I get a couple reads. ~L.M.F.M <3


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