Chapter 92.

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•August 29,1989•

I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing.

I rubbed my eyes and reached for the phone.

"Hello?" I answered yawning.

"Caitlyn? Were you sleeping?"

"Mhm" I hummed back.

"Oh gosh Caitlyn, you and Michael need to get dressed now. You have about an hour, then you need to be on your way here. Got it?"

"On our way where? For what?"

"Caitlyn.... It's still August 29th."

"Oh gosh! I'll call you later! Michael and I have to get dressed now!"

"I just said th-"

Before she could finish I hung up and turned to Michael quickly. When I looked at him my eyes softened.

"Michael? Baby? Get up sweetheart."

He flipped until he was no longer facing my direction.

I nudged his side, then started tickling him.

"I'm up, I'm up!" He exclaimed through laughter.

"Baby, take a shower and get dressed okay? I have a surprise for you." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Caitlyn you didn't have to do all this. It's fine really. I do appreciate it though." He smiled getting up.

"I wanted to do it, for you."

We kissed then I rushed him off to go get in the shower while I began to get an outfit together.

Once he was done, I made sure to tell him to dress nice, even though that wasn't necessary since he always does, and I went into the bathroom to shower as well.

Finally, Michael and I were both dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror and for once since I started showing I actually a hundred percent believed I looked beautiful.

I turned around just as Michael came back into the room and smiled at his attire as well.

"Looking handsome as always." I wink.

"Looking absolutely stunning as always" he smiles.

I smooth down his jacket and smile.

"Michael, I love you so much. More than anybody in the world. I don't know what I'd if you were never in my life."

"The feeling is mutual baby." He smiles and plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Well, we should get going."

"May I ask to where?" Michael questions as we head towards the door.

"Nope. I want it to be a surprise for a change. You always take me out without telling to where, so I'll play the same game." I laugh

"That's not fair! Only I can do that!" He pouts as we get in the limo and I just shrug giggling.

"Good evening Mr.Jackson" Our driver smiles at us before continuing

"Bill, Nate and the other gaurds are in the other car behind us and in front just in case, as you already know. And I'll be driving you tonight, my name's Rick."

"Nice to meet you Rick." Michael tells him.

"The pleasure is mine sir."

"Okay okay let's get this show on the road Rick! You know where to go."

He nods and begins driving.

"Wait wait, you know him already?"

"Of course, Michael I've got everything planned out. Just sit back and relax for once. Okay?" I smile sweetly.

He sigh heavily but agrees.

"This is gonna be great!" I exclaim causing him to giggle.

This is gonna be great. I repeat in my head.

I can't wait to see how Janet and Marie set up.

The whole ride there I hold Michael's hand, praying nothing  goes wrong.


Her dress heels and makeup

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Her dress heels and makeup. And of course Michael's attire 😍

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