Chapter 40.

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°November 17, 1987°

"Ms.Hendricks?" I hear a deep voice ask.
I look up from my papers to see David. One of my closest friends.
"Hey! What's up?" I smile.
"Nothing, I was wondering if you were going on your break..."
I looked over at the computer on my desk and check the time. 2:45.
Sighing I stand up, knowing he won't let me say no.
We walk towards the lunch/break room.
He walks over to the fridge grabbing the bag that said "David Manson".
"Are you even going to cut your hair soon?" I laugh as he opens the fridge to grab a drink.
He shakes his head dramatically making his dirty blonde messy hair move from side to side.
I had to admit, he was a good looking guy, fair skin, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair that looked very well on him when groomed and he was tall.
Don't get me wrong, he was attractive, but he wasn't Michael.
Michael was my one and only and I only had eyes for him.
People around the office started saying we were dating.
Obviously we weren't.
He had a girlfriend and I had a boyfriend.
I hated the stares we got and I knew the rumors were still spreading.
He sits across from me eating his cold sandwhich.
One of the girls who is practically in love with him passes by us and gives me a dirty look, rolling her eyes at me as she walks away.
David chokes on his food laughing.
"You think that's funny Manson?" I asked annoyed.
"Yeah, actually I do. It's pretty funny."
I roll my eyes at him.
"Hey aren't you going to eat? If I think about it I've never seen you-"
"Michael?" I interupt him standing up.
Michael stands at the door smiling at me as I rush towards him.
"Baby what are you doing here?"
I say wrapping my arms around his waist.
"I came by to see what you were up to. I was bored." he shrugged.
"I talked to Mr.Kingsley and he said you can come home early."
"Early? Early as in when?"
"As in now."
I smile widely.
"Really? That's great. C'mon lets go grab myself."
As I start walking out I remember something.
I turn back around and walk towards David, tapping him on the shoulder.
"I'm leaving early today Manson. Don't forget those papers I left on your desk okay? I'll talk to you later, bye." I smile.
"Why are you leaving early?"
I point towards Michael and smile.
"Can I meet him?"
"Ummm, sure I guess. Why not?" I shrug as he walks towards Michael and extends his hand.
"Hi. It's a pleasure to meet you Mr.Jackson. I love your music. You are a musical genius. I have a lot of respect for you."
Michael smiles.
"Please call me Michael. And thank you very much. That really means a lot..."
"Oh sorry. I'm David Manson. Just David will do. I work closley with Caitlyn."
"That's great to hear David."
Michael turns to me.
"We should get going."
David also turns to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Alright, well I should go fill out those papers and you should to get going. See you later kiddo."
I smile returning the hug.
"You do that Manson-" I laugh "bye."
I walk back to my office, grab my stuff then meet Michael in the limo.
"Hey, kiddo." he says blandly.
I giggle hearing that.
"Oh Michael."
"What is he? Your bestfriend?"
"Nope. I already have a bestfriend and that's you. Just relax Mikey."
He rolls his eyes and shifts in his seat. I scoot towards him and plant soft kisses on his cheek.
"Is my baby jealous?" I tease
"Jealous? No."
"It's okay baby. You are my one and only. I hope you know that. He and I are just friends. I only want you. I love you." I say still pecking at his cheek in between every few words.
He sighs and wraps his arm around me and kisses my lips.
"I know baby. I love you more."
We head off to Neverland as Michael and I talk.
I love when we are like this.
We still act like bestfriends.
I'm glad he listens to me.
I'm so lucky he's my bestfriend and blessed he is my boyfriend.
I love him and I can't imagine my life without him.


Yay. Bloop. Again it gets better soon. You'll see! It's getting there, I promise. I can't just jump into that because it wouldn't make sense, you know? Haha anyways hope you enjoyed this boring chapter. And I hope you had a good day today Moonwalkies. ~L.M.F.M <3


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